2008 02 Session A Questions Sample Answers

Passage reading

Let the student read the passage aloud.

(Before, let the student read the passage silently for 20 seconds)

Please check where to pause.

Food Supply in Japan

Today,/ Japan's food supply is large enough/ to meet its needs//

However,/ many people have realized that / this supply is heavily dependent on other countries//

As aresult,/ they are paying more attention / to their own eating habits//

For example, / some of these people try to eat more local food//

They also make an effort to waste less food / in their daily lives//

Q&A section


According to the passage, why are many people paying more attention to their own eating habits

A1 (Sample)

Because, they have realized that Japan's food supply is heavily dependent on other countries.


Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card.

<20 seconds later>

Please begin.


One day, Mr. Hori and Ms. Ito met a hotel employee to talk about their office party.

Mr. Hori said to the employee, "Please prepare a lot of food and drinks."

At the party in December, Mr. Hori was pouring beer for his co-worker.

The hotel employee was bringing more food to the table.

After the party, Mr. Hori was surprised to see a lot of food left on the plates.

Ms. Ito was worried that the food would be thrown away.


Some people say that young people today do not eat enough healthy food. What do you think about that?


I agree. I don't think young people are careful about what they eat. Many of them are too busy to have balanced meals.


I disagree. I think young people today eat less fast food. Also, many of them are trying to avoid food with a lot of sugar.


In Japan, there are many shops selling second hand goods. Do yo uthink these shops will become more popular in the future?

If student says

"Yes" -> ask "Why?"

"No" -> ask "Why not?"


Yes: More people will want to buy things cheaply. Also, these shops will have more choices for shoppers in the future.


No: I'm sure most people prefer new products. I think secondhand goods are more likely to break than new products.