2009_02_Session_A_sample speeches

1. Does the mass media play a positive role in the society?

Everyday, we hear news from around the world. News about different things that sends joy, happiness, excitement, and horror in our lives. Without a shade of a doubt, mass media plays a very large role not just to one society but the entire world.

The world is ever-changing and fast paced. Sometimes, it's hard to keep up with the latest and be oriented with what's going on. But because of mass media we are able to get the latest information as it happens. As of late, several natural disasters have happened across the globe yet the people's knowledge about what's going on is almost instant. Pieces of information are disseminated easily through television, radio, and now the internet. And because of this, people are more aware, updated, and can have know-abouts on what to do especially when a need to do something arises. For example; during a calamity like a typhoon or a snow storm, it is a must that they be warned ahead so they can be prepared and that has become possible because of mass media. People access the television, radio, and internet all the time, thus, they gather the details they need to get ready because these data have become more handy and can be gathered conveniently. In addition, the mass media has also become another source of information for most things like; latest fashion, newest gadgets, healthcare tips, home safety tips, and other useful pieces of information.

In this new era, getting ahead is better than being left behind and it's very clear on what roles and what impacts mass media has on the world, hence, it's an indispensable tool for improving what we have and what we are as of the moment.

2. Is Japan doing enough to ensure its energy security?

Japan is one of the most highly industrialized nations in the world and one of the leading importers of oil. Because of its scarce natural resources, it has to do a great deal of importing critical resource to address its needs.

According to a study, approximately 85% of Japan's energy needs are imported from other countries, thus, it is very vulnerable to an unaccounted international tempestuousness. Though at present, Japan has good relations with countries in the middle east like Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, where it imports its oil - oil that secures their energy needs, nonetheless, the future can not be told. International considerations that could affect Japan includes political instability and other economic restrictions where it can put a halt or limit to Japan's ability to import from these oil-producing nations. If such events occur, thus, it can paralyze Japan if they didn't have alternative sources. More efforts in finding new and alternative sources of energy; like solar, wind, and hydroelectric must be given much attention to further widen Japan's options.

One can only say, Japan has ensured its energy security if the country didn't have to rely to other countries to provide it with its sustenance. As long as Japan continues to import energy-producing products, it can never be fully secured.

3. Should terminally ill people have the right to choose when they die?

Stance: Yes

The journey to the unknown is something most people are scared of and sometimes it'd take a lot for someone to fully accept his fate. Dying is nothing but the most natural process in this cycle called life and therefore, each one of us has the right to either have it now or do it later especially for those who are terminally ill.

Every person, including those who are already facing dawn, has the right to everything else just like deciding on the time of their death. It's a decision that can only be finalized by the person himself since it's him who is going to vanish from the face of the earth. Dying may not be as easy as other people thought it would be. The loved ones, friends and relatives may grieve but what matters most is the person who is about to die. Either they are in pain, vegetative, bed ridden or comatose none of us has the right to end it for him. If the ill person wants to end it right there, then we have the choice to either do it or not but giving in to his last wishes would be something worth doing for. But if the patient is in comatose, all we can do is wait for circumstances to fall on their own.

Despite what people believe in, letting someone die naturally is still the best way to go, however, if they wish to die because they no longer can take the pain and the suffering - what we can do is respect their decision.

Stance: No

I understand that most terminally-ill people are suffering from extreme pain. However, I don’t think that it is good to let them decide when to die. I have two reasons.

Firstly, terminally-ill people are too hopeless to make a sound decision. If given the chance, they would always choose to end their lives. Allowing this can be very harmful because this can result in assisted suicide, which is highly against the natural process of precious lives. So, instead of rushing death, I think it is better to let them spend quality time with their loved ones.

Secondly, allowing terminally-ill people to choose death is against the physicians’ code of ethics. Doctors’ role is to heal, not to kill. They are trusted to provide hospice when cure is not available. So, instead of carrying out mercy killing, I think it is more humane and ethical to choose palliative care to treat the pain of the patients.

In conclusion, I believe that the death of patients who have end-stage diseases should follow the natural process. It should not be given to them soon. They should be encouraged to enjoy their remaining time with their families and friends.

Follow up questions:

1. Do you think enough is being done to find medicines for incurable diseases?

2. Should medical treatment for terminally-ill patients be totally free?

4. Is environmental protection compatible with economic growth?

The fact can't be denied that the world is continuously progressing and along with this are the threats to the environment that could lead to possible great dangers, and perhaps life threatening situations.

Although many countries, like Japan and the United States, are taking steps to preserving the environmental refuge yet unfortunately the steps taken are pocket-sized when compared to the damaged caused by industrialization. For instance in Japan, there is an increasing number of people who are utilizing solar-powered vehicles that emit lesser pollution into the air but the circumstances are different from the rest of the world. Recycling is another important and significant process done by many factories and people to minimize waste and to have a better use for something else. These methods are surely effective in addressing the environmental problems, however, when it comes to dealing with the environment - it is the responsibility of everyone and not just by a certain group of people.

Surely the world has changed and the people in it are adopting to these changes. However, the steps that humankind are taking to protect the environment and keep up with the economic growth are somewhat compatible yet it is not enough to keep abreast.

5. Should there be more emphasis on politics in the school curriculum?

Studying about the government is an essential action to gather knowledge and to better understand the significance of politics in our society. But I do believe that putting much emphasis on politics in the curriculum is not necessary in the primary and secondary education but rather it needs to be emphasized in higher education.

The intelligence level as well as the interest of primary and secondary students are not directed to the study of politics. And in this level of education, this is where these students are to be exposed to different things so they can better understand and know themselves. This way, they will know what they want and who they want to become when they grow up. Deeper study of politics should only be practiced in higher education, when students have actually made their choice to study it further. Forcing them to study on something that doesn't catch their interest would not have a favorable result, thus, I believe it's better to emphasize on politics in higher education because then it's them that made the conscious decision to venture on it more.

Politics help shape the society but emphasizing on it in early education is not practical, hence, it should be the student's free initiative to take on it further if he deems it interesting enough for him.