
Session A Questions Sample Answers

Passage reading:

Let the student read the passage aloud.

(Before, let the student read the passage silently for 20 seconds)

A New Way to Grow Vegetables

Recently, a new method of growing vegetables inside buildings

Has been developed. The growth of vegetables is affected by the

Supply of light and water. In the new method, scientists control the

Supply with computers, and this helps vegetables grow much faster.

However, some problems still exist, such as high electricity costs

once these problems are overcome, this method may become more co


Please check where to pause.

A New Way to Grow Vegetables

Recently,// a new method of growing vegetables //inside buildings// h

as been developed//. The growth of vegetables// is affected by the

Supply //of light and water// In the new method,// scientists control //the

Supply with computers,/// and this helps vegetables //grow much faster//.

However,// some problems still exist//, such as high electricity costs//

once these problems// are overcome,// this method// may become more co




No. 1 According to the passage, how do scientists make vegetables

A1: By using the new method ,scientists control the supply of light and water through computer.


No. 2 Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation

you have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin

with the sentence on the card.

<20 seconds>

Please begin.

Now, Mr. / Ms. -, please turn over the card and put it down.



No. 3 Some people say that a lot of food is wasted in Japan. What

do you think about that?

A3(sample): definitely i agree with that, it really shows a lot. Recently, some of the foods in the restaurant are being put into waste due to excessive cravings of the foods being served in the menu. I hope that people can realize the value of the food being left on the table.

I disagree, it is because usually Japanese people are very particular with the amount of food that they are taking as they say Japanese people do have obsession with the word: DIET" so no reason for them to have extra foods on the table.


No. 4 Today, many cell phones have a lot of functions such as

music players and TVs. Do you think cell phones should

have more functions?

Yes. →Why?

No. →Why not?