
1. Should medical care for senior citizens be free?

Nowadays, the number of senior citizens in Japan is on the rise and because of this I believe that their medical care should not be free. Let me elaborate.

With Japan’s declining birthrate and the baby boomers coming to an age which qualifies them to be senior citizens, it would be next to impossible to support their medical costs. Many people of working age struggle to make ends meet, on account of sluggish economy, and to ask them to pay more for the social welfare would really put a huge burden on their shoulders.

A more rational way to go about this is if everyone contributes and works hand in hand. That is to say, senior citizens must also pay a portion of their medical cost. Perhaps a 50% discount would be fair enough for them and for the working class. In addition to that, giving them discounts when they but necessities and other needs they’d have would also be beneficial for them.

To conclude, while it is true that the senior citizens have contributed so much for the society, but with the drastic changes in society these days, it is inevitable to make necessary changes in terms of how they will be supported by the government through social welfare.

(210 words)

2. Agree or disagree: Japan should play a more active military role in the world affairs.

3. Can science provide a solution to hunger in developing nations?

4. Should more be done to prevent crime in society?

5. Will Asia dominate the world economically and culturally in the 21st century?