2008_03_Session_A_sample speeches

1. Are the police doing enough to combat crime?

The problem does not lay on what the police, the community, or the people in the community do or not do but rather the problems lay on the system itself and how the rules are being implemented. But with regards to whether the police officers are doing enough to combat crime, the answer would be yes.

Police officers are important elements in the society because they keep peace and order. Without them, perhaps, the community would live in fear and dilemma. They are the once responsible for catching the bad guys like shoplifters, snatchers, swindlers, and even those big time criminals like murderers, child abusers, and the like. Police visibility in most big cities are also evident of the added effort that they are doing to uphold security in busy metropolitan areas. Also, hotline numbers are available for people to call them in times of emergency situations and these police officers have an estimated time of when they can respond to the area depending on it's location from the nearest station. Presently, the police department along with other departments are working together on how to better combat crime, thus, this is evident that they are closely keeping an eye on how to improve their services to the people.

To combat crime, everyone else must work together to get rid of the bad weed in the society. The contribution of one will impact the society in positive ways that can't be achieved if only a certain group of people fights with it. Cooperation is the key.

2. Does Japan need to increase its level of food-sufficiency?

One of the most basic needs of human beings is food and a lack of it will surely cause a tremendous problem to the people affected. Much of the food in Japan are imported from other countries, thus, the government must ensure a way to support the nation's demand on food.

With the recent environmental kerfuffle in Japan, especially with the threat of radiation contamination, the more that Japan must double their efforts in producing safe foods for the people. Encouraging people to keep a small garden in their backyards, or plant some vegetables in pots would somehow provide them with a small number of produce. But if we look at the bigger picture, improving the quality of crops so that it can withstand fluctuating weather conditions would be a plus factor. Investing on crops that can generate more harvest on a shorter span of time, and crops that can survive harsh winters and summers can make it possible for these crops to be planted all year-round which means, there will be more harvests.

Addressing the issue on food-sufficiency is definitely an issue that must be prioritized. Japan must work on freeing itself from the burden of importing and depending on other nations on their food satiety.

3. Will globalization result in a world without borders?

With the diversity in culture and traditions of the nations all over the world, it is relatively, if not impossible, to attain a world without borders even with globalization. There are some factors that hinder a borderless world from being realized.

Firstly, the way each country is governed is unique from another and the laws that disallow other nations from engaging in civil rights issues make for these countries to impose on laws and regulations on their own land that determines their ability to interact with foreign nations. Take for example democracy. Although many countries believe that democracy helps find for alternative ways to deal with problems and concerns, yet, to some countries like China and North Korea, a communist government would allow them to better run their nation, thus, it is more suitable for them. And that can not be judged nor argued because that's what they believe in. And then we have religion. The fact remains that no matter how open-minded some people are about this issue, yet some people remains true to their faith and to what was taught to them. Changing their beliefs to sync it with the rest of the world will only cause to chaos and more serious problems.

Although, many nations have learned to accept and deal with the differences between each one, there is still a fine line between each country that mustn't be crossed - it may be politics, religion, culture. Therefore, at this point in time, achieving a world without borders even thru globalization is far out of sight.

4. Are humans becoming slaves to technology?

Billions of people are engaged in using one form of technology or another and it has been that way for the past few years. Cellphones, computers, internet are among the technologies used more often but it doesn't follow that these things have enslaved humans.

Computers are everywhere these days, and doubtlessly a lot of people are engaged in using it almost every chance they get. People use these computers to make their work more convenient and a lot easier. For example, in business, computers allow for business transactions to be tracked easily. Also in banking and finance, having a computerized system enables for faster and safe banking, thus, it gives humans a sense of security and trust. Another technology commonly used is the mobile phone. Almost everyone has their own mobile phone and the benefits each one gets from this technology is enormous. Communication is enhanced and it brings people closer together. It also makes people get in touch with other people instantaneously.

Altogether, the use of technologies may be addicting for some but in general sense the benefits we get from using these things definitely help us enhance our lifestyle and in fact it makes things a lot more commodious. It is fallacious and naive of us if we take these life enhancement in the negative aspect.

5. Is the study of ancient civilizations still relevant today?

History played an important and significant role in shaping the world of contemporary era and up until to this day, it has continuously served as foundation for several innovative ideas.

Ancient Greek, Roman, and Inca civilizations have undoubtedly helped changed the civilization of today. Although the current technology may have shaded the relevance of what we have right now, but even these technologies are based on what was discovered civilizations ago. During the renaissance period flourished the ideas on architecture, thus, some of the buildings and other infrastructures of modern society is based on the ideas taken during the renaissance. The airplane was also based on Leonardo da Vinci's blueprint and because of it, we are now enjoying the benefit of travelling with ease. Ancient civilization has also inspired the literary works of today. Poetry, songs, short stories, movies, and other creative writing still depicts of what it was like in the past. Movies like The Gladiator, portrayed on how cruel the government system before and because of that, governments of today try not to duplicate the same cruelty.

The relevance of ancient civilization and ancient study is still as significant as it was before, and will continue to help shape our future because developers of modern innovations never stop reflecting on the things of the past and incorporate them with the things in the present, thus, bringing improvements for the things in the future.