2016 02 Session A Questions Sample Answers

Q&A Section


According to the passage, how do local governments encourage people to find new users for schools?


Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card.

<20 seconds>

Now, Mr. / Ms. _________ , please turn over the card and put it down.


Some people say that school should give students tablet computers to use in class. What do you think about that?


Today, any Japanese people work in foreign countries. Do you think the number of these people will increase in the future?

Yes. → Why?

No. → Why not?

Sample answers


One day, Aiko and her parents were moving into their new house. Her mother said to Aiko, ‘’Tomorrow is the first day at your new school. ‘’ At the school Aiko’s teacher was introducing Aiko to her classmates. Aiko was looking forward to talking to her classmates. Two weeks later, Aiko was doing homework with some friends. Her mother was thinking of giving them cake.