2008_01_Session_B_sample speeches

1. Are printed books and newspapers destined to die out?

As time passed by, man has already made a lot of changes most especially in the field of technology. One of the inevitable changes is the computer which is considered as a replacement for printed materials. But with the question, whether printed texts would die out is inconceivable for the following reasons.

First and foremost, these are already tested to stand despite the new innovations and there is no doubt that it will survive in years to come. In addition, early works are written and transmitted through paper. And as of these days, these are still preserved in museums and libraries and are regarded as country’s treasure. Next, despite the availability of other forms of entertainment, reading books or newspaper is already part of our daily routine. Ordinary and influential people who feel that their day would not be complete unless he or she can read newspaper - can be a perfect example. An increasing number of avid book-reader is my next point. Nowadays, books written by Stephanie Mayer, J.K Rowling and Paulo Coelho are top grosser and have earned a huge follower around the globe. Everywhere we go; stories from these books are talked by many and were even given life on the big screen. Lastly, when it comes to education, books can not be replaced by any other means of educational materials. Aside from the convenience, children can optimize learning if it is immediately available to use, unlike modern tools that would take sometime before the utilization. .

From the points discussed above, no innovations can take the place of printed materials and newspapers for these were regarded as valuable in the past: and will still hold the same position in the future.

(285 words)

2. The pros and cons of ongoing urbanization

With the desire to improve the standard of living, cities were developed and people moved from isolated areas to metropolis in which better opportunities are offered. Along with the ongoing urbanization brings several consequences- both adverse and beneficial.

Let me begin by giving the downside effect of the ongoing urbanization. As the migration pattern moves towards cities, many people specifically those who are with low educational attainment have less chance of finding a well-paid job. Consequently, this might result in one of the worst problems which is the growth of slums since they can’t afford to have a decent environment, lack of sanitation that will lead to outbreak of diseases and probably higher crime rate. Unemployment is another problem since the number of people competing for jobs is more than the jobs available. Currently, with the boom of population, environment suffers as well for these are destroyed the meet the growing needs.

On one hand, life in the city is more sophisticated compared to life in villages. Because of advanced communication and transport networks, people can easily go anywhere. Aside from that, most universities concentrate in urban areas, therefore, there would be variety of educational courses and fields a student can choose from for their future careers. Since most cities are comprised of people from different walks of life, urbanization is a perfect place to be socially integrated and can lead to a better understanding of the uniqueness of each individual.

To conclude, as the number of inhabitants increase, it can’t be avoided to embrace change like urbanization - and there’s no wrong with that. However, before making any farther advancement, it is important to carefully study the possible scenario so that there won’t be any regrets at the end.

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3. Does Japan’s health-care system need to be reformed?

4. Is democracy the best system of government?

Involvement in any political issues is one of the many wonderful things that democracy can offer. Supreme power lies to the citizens who can cast votes to deserving individuals to be in different offices. For me, compared to the other types of government, democracy is ideal for it gives the power to transform the way how offices are run through changing of public servants, allowing freedom of speech to prevail and distributing the power evenly.

Let me begin my point by stating the ability to transform the ruling bodies through the process of election and people are given the power to choose of who govern them. With this practice, it guarantees that the set of officials are precisely chosen by the people. The citizens have the option to select who they think deserve to run the office. In addition, it eliminates the possibility of discrimination when it comes to cultural background. Aside from that, since democracy can be described as a decentralized form, it ensures that no single entity holds supreme power but rather, the whole country is in power. In this sense, it prevents the abuse of authority because laws and regulations must be confirmed to different tiers before the approval. Lastly, everyone is privileged to enjoy the freedom of speech and this could result to the higher possibility of country’s progress. Through constant criticism that government receives from the critiques, it will give room for improvements. For instance, law makers are constantly revising the laws and policies to be in line to the changing needs of the people,

From the aforementioned, democracy, as by definition is a system of government, often practiced by electing representatives of the people by the majority and being involved in any government affairs especially the chance of choosing officials is irreplaceable right that a person can have.

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5. Would transferring more technology to developing nations solve their economic problems?

Technology is considered an important step towards achieving a progressive nation therefore, once it is transferred to developing countries, it would have an enormous impact to the solution of economic crisis. The knowledge gained through technology transmission means the reduction of mass migration of people, stabilizes the status in the world market and the exchange of information of both sides.

Once the transfer of technology is made for developing country, the long-term problem of people crossing the borders will be put to an end. Normally, comfortable lifestyle is often regarded as an important factor that makes people stay. If this will be given in the form of jobs, skilled workers will likely to stay and apply their expertise in the domestic economy which in turn generates a positive result like the reduction of poverty. Also, this will make a country not to be left behind by others. In the light that the intellectual use of the technology is appropriate, gives less developed nation confidence to compete with large international industry in the world market. Lastly, it forms a network of partnerships, each providing complementary support services. Less privileged countries can seek help with their partner especially in financing farther scientific researches. China, for instance, received support and funding from his alliance and was even participated in international projects.

Transfer of technology will always have two faces, it is either a positive or a negative but I believe that positive results always outweigh the downside and that is giving a developing nation all the opportunities for improvement.

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