2009_01_Session_A_sample speeches

1. Are senior citizens discriminated against in today’s society?

Several changes have been noted since the turn of time, but despite the contemporary period the fact remains that people still look up to their old folks and are still considering their elderly as assets in contemporary society.

At present the roles of senior citizens become crucial as they still are significant and valuable members of the society. Their vast experiences in life and their maturity and significant thinking in dealing with certain circumstances, like contending with family or business problems, are beneficial to the human society for these help mold young people's mind and help them live their dreams. People aged 60 and above are considered senior citizens, yet to date, there still are quite a few people in their 60's who are working for some companies. They are recognized for their critical thinking and expertise in their field. For instance, some senior citizens still continue to practice their profession, in medicine perhaps, and go forward with their services for the community. Other senior citizens are also involved in the creative sector and philosophical sector.

Though they are physically not as capable as they used to be and they may be experiencing some intellectual degradation, but the senior citizens continue to flourish in their generation and constantly imparting essential wisdom to the younger generation. And because of these they aren't depreciated in today's society but rather they are considered valuable and an asset.

2. Is the extinction of some plant and animal species inevitable?

In the past, where knowledge was limited and the use of advanced technology was out of reach, it is not unusual that the extinction of some plant and animal species were inevitable. But presently that can be told otherwise.

The world we live in has been shaped in many important ways by human actions. We have created technological options to prevent, eliminate, and lessen threats to life and the environment and to fulfill social needs. Cloning, genetic modification, and environmental conservation are some ways that can be done to preserve and improve some plant and animal species. Through cloning, the preservation of both plant and animal species can be attained by producing similar plants or animals of identical species through copying DNA fragments. Combinations of the natural variety of characteristics could thus be attempted to improve the domesticity, hardiness, and productivity of some plants and animals. And lastly, by keeping the environment livable to both plants and animals, the possibility of having them for a longer period of time, if not forever, is so much higher.

With the advancement of technology, several things that are likely to be impossible have become possible and that includes contending the extinction of important factors in the ecosystem - the plants and animals.

3. Should there be more decentralization of government?

Government plays an important role in the nation’s development because this is the seat of authority in which its power is used for the common welfare of the constituents and the country as a whole. With the systematic flow and proper distribution of power to the minute offices or we simply called as a decentralized government, the possibility of looking at every point that needs attention will be identified and remedied before it will escalate to the point of weakening the structure.

To start with, decentralized system would allow the decision-making processes disperse down to the lower levels in an organization, relatively away from central authority. With this practice, it is likely to run on less rigid policies and wider spans of control among the officers of the association. Since there is a close monitoring of bodies involved, the flow of information would be clearly passed on to tiers from the bottom to the top and vice versa. Consequently, the dissemination of instruction would be effective and transparent to each affiliate. In the service of the masses, decentralization is efficient for it directly gives full attention to the problem in the municipality without much delay and without undergoing the complexity of passing to the higher officials that eventually have no sufficient background with regards to the issue. To clear this point out, the United States of America adapts this system that gives the governor the power to address, with the aid of his party, the crisis within the locality.

From the points mentioned above, decentralization of government offers a considerable amount of merit to a nation in terms of unity within the officials elected by the people and the general public would benefit as well because instruction is carried out lucidly among public servants thus taking action abruptly.

4. Is the increasing number of allergy sufferers a cause for concern?

Allergies occur when the body tries to defend itself against substances that might be harmful whether ingested or not. This could be of no problem if only a handful will be affected, but it will be alarming if it’ll be common to most people because this might trigger panic that would result to ineffectual control bodily actions and reactions and these problems, in the long run, would escalate if there wasn’t any action taken.

To begin with, people work effectively when they know they’re in good condition or there isn’t any manifestation of the body malfunction. Upon knowing the number of allergy, sufferers are likely lead to being conscious even to the slight change of the body. This might be good in some ways, however, it could also be a problem for it would probably result to a greater problem like unable to concentrate on working and worst would develop panic disorder. Aside from being conscious about oneself, the rise of allergy sufferers is also a sign that the environment that people live in or the food intake contains substance that cause the body to react. To put it more simply, the public will be aware of the problems and can make some changes to prevent these from growing.

To sum up, there’s nothing wrong from being concerned with the rise of allergy sufferers because it will help each one of us to be prepared in whatever circumstances, and thus, will not have negative impact in our daily lives.

5. Should more be done to help the working poor?

Our responsibility doesn’t end within ourselves or within our family, but rather it goes beyond helping others most especially those who are in need. Though the working poor try to eke out a living, they also deserve aid not only in terms of finances but on the other aspects as well. Moreover, helping these kinds of people is worthwhile for they are eager to rise themselves from poverty.

I believe that upon helping the poor, chiefly those who are working hard just to alleviate their status, would give them the feeling that there are still individuals who care. This would give them motivation to work even harder. Although there are others who would turn out to be dependent but let us not take these people into a general verdict. A wrongdoing of one will not mean the wrongdoing of everybody. Also, the earnings received could not compensate the family expenses. With the commodities that are on the rise, the salary of the provider is not enough to meet the needs of the family members. In addition, since the take-home pay is of limited amount, it would be likely an extra burden if a member gets sick. To illustrate this point, there are already a lot of documentation showing this kind of scenarios in which a child suffer from illness and the hard-working parents could not give the proper medication for it is costly. This kind of situation would mean that help must be given.

No matter how strong, persistent or hardworking a person is. He still needs someone whom he can rely on when problems occur. Nowadays, more and more people are already extending their help for those deserving ones. Government and Non-Government institutions join hand in hand in assisting the working poor to have a decent lifestyle.

Sample #2

According to the Ministry of Health, nowadays in

Japan, approximately 24 percent of employees are referred to as the working poor. Under this circumstance, I think that more solutions should be done to help the working poor for the following three reasons.

Firstly, the working poor play an important role in the companies to thrive in the global business competition. Because of this, Japan needs to help these people acquire professional skills for their jobs. Under the current global society, numerous employees from developing countries will start to work in almost all industries. For instance, if a number of foreign people start to work in some restaurants or supermarkets, a lot of Japanese workers will lose their jobs.

Secondly, with the aging society, the working poor are the answer to the shortage of highly-skilled workforce. In these days, Japanese corporations are faced with a shortage of employees because there are not many candidates for jobs. The working poor, such as part-timers and temporary workers can employed as a permanent employee to work in such companies.

Finally, helping the working poor will

lead to boosting the national economy. If the government supports them, they will be able to get stable source of income. Then, in the long run, by improving their quality of life, their purchasing power will be enhanced, and finally the overall national economy will thrive in the future.

In conclusion, the working poor play a significant role in winning the global market, and boosting the national

economy. Therefore, more effective actions should be done to help them. (258 words)