2008_01_Session_A_sample speeches

1. Does advertising have too much influence on our lives?

Undoubtedly, I would say that advertisement has a lot of impact on our lives most especially in choosing a product to use. With different products and services flourishing these days, consequently, it is hard for the consumers to identify a quality one without first watching or listening to different propagandas. Generally, it teaches every one of us to be critical in making decisions regarding whatever things we pursue.

With the way how advertisements are handled at present in which it can be seen almost everywhere from the street to the idiot box, people tend to rely most of their decisions from what they hear or see. For instance, if someone is considering of purchasing something and is not sure of which brand to choose, he might browse to different commercials prior to buying the goods. In addition, it educates the consumers in many aspects such as being skeptical and wise. Skeptical in a way that, consumers think a lot of time before making actions; wise in a sense that he won’t be easily deceived.

But the downside of much influence of this is the unnecessary spending that a consumer might make once he is attracted to a product especially if it is being endorsed by a famous celebrity. Once these personalities are used to draw attention, viewers especially teenagers imitate their fashion or behavior just to be associated with favorite stars.

To sum up, in the world of business, advertising is absolutely the most effective way to raise revenue but for the ordinary people, it is an indispensable tool since this is the only means of gathering valuable information about different products and services.

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2. Can animal testing be justified?

There has been a growing debate as to animal testing is justifiable or not. Others say that it is reasonable for the protection of humans against potential danger; however, others contend this idea because the genetic make-up of humans and animals is completely different. For me, I strongly agree on the latter idea for the following reasons.

Firstly, animal research is dangerous to human health. The success of the testing of the new found medicine to animals does not imply a success in human health. A drug may have shown safe for rats but could be disastrous to humans. Statistics have shown that 90 % of drugs tested safe and effective on animals but killed about 100 000 casualties in the U.S. Secondly, it is just a waste of time since there are other alternatives than the practice of using animal for experimentations and these are even reliable and less expensive. Examples to this are the different studies like tracing the root cause of diseases so that preventive actions can be taken such as the relationship between smoking and cancer to the identification of heart related problems. Lastly, by doing this action to animals, humans violate their right. Scientists relentlessly do cruel things to these poor creatures, infecting diseases they would not normally have contacted, starved, poisoned and even killed. Though I am not an animal advocate, I sympathized for this unethical way of treating other innocent beings.

Despite the intention of scientists who are behind the practice of medical research on animal is purely for human advantage, it is not still right to sacrifice these little lives because like us, they do have right to live.

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3. Can the government be trusted to spend taxpayers’ money wisely?

Since the beginning of civilization, man established a body that is: a government that governs - protects and as much as possible helps its constituents to improve the standard of living. Even until now, it serves its purpose. As what many of us believe, it has the responsibility to provide the members the necessary things like good infrastructure, health care, educational purposes and so on. In return, to support the government from operating, the citizens must contribute through the form of tax to make things happen. For me, despite the improvements done at present, I for one don’t have enough trust that government spends the taxpayers’ money wisely.

To start with, many government officials are allegedly believed of using the funds for their personal benefits. Instead of spending for the public advantage, they squander it buying luxury vehicles travel abroad or even purchase properties. According to a survey, that checks the wealth and lifestyles of official, a lot of them are richer than before. Second, it might be true that infrastructures are developed using the taxes however, once the materials used are checked, these are at low quality. Examples to these are the materials in public schools, roads and even hospitals when at first, are sophisticated but will be defective after using a couple of times. Lastly, they tend to spend the people’s money on things that are not necessary in the first place. Executive travel in which some relatives are included, unjustifiable spending in which the parameters of transparency, accountability, utility and relevance to the public is questionable.

To summarize, the credibility of government in terms of the wise distribution of people’s money is tested as the doubting public are more and more interested as where the funds actually go and whether it is spent accordingly.

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4. The pros and cons of having only one world superpower

What is one-world superpower? Experts would define it as a capacity of a country to dominate power and influence anywhere in the world, and sometimes in one region of the globe at a time, and so may plausibly attain the status of global supremacy. Many would believe that having one-world superpower is advantageous and it doesn’t give any confusion of which to follow: however, others believe that it has some drawbacks like monopolizing the economy and allowing other nations to be dependent.

Basically, the only country that benefits from this is the one who dominates. America is regarded as a superpower nation, thus, it gains all the credit from world of trade down to the control of weaker countries. Another drawback is the inability to choose which one to follow since it is only dominated by one. Unlike after the cold war, two countries: the U.S.A and USSR immersed as superpower nations. During that time, it gave the opportunity to weigh the different strengths and weaknesses of each and consider which ideology to pursue. Reliance is another flaw for it gives the third world countries the inability to grow as a nation free from the control of the powerful one.

On the other side of the coin, with one country leading the rest will yield, a positive result for it only allows one decision to rule, and thus, it will not give dilemma of who to follow for the power is centralized and consequently there is a systematic way of dealing global problems. Next, before reaching the status of hegemony, like any other country, it experience hardships that make it strong. Therefore, this country can extend help especially in terms of economy, military and even political matters.

In conclusion, without the superpower country, the world may seem to be in a chaotic state for no one will lead and help the weaker ones and it also serves as a balancing force of the society. But with this given supremacy, it has the capacity of making or breaking the social order.

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5. Can hard work and determination be a substitute for natural ability in sports?

Nurture versus nature? Identifying who would excel in the field of sport is as difficult as finding a needle in the middle of a farm. Some would say that athletes are born not made and still others believe that they are nurtured. In my opinion, I would say that having a natural ability without hard work and determination is just a waste. Positive attitude and the natural ability must go together towards molding a true athlete.

To start with, these two factors act as a key stone in unlocking the real potential so that the talent can be maximized and honed to its fullest. These help in realizing the potential of the individual. It might be true that to be successful in whatever endeavor one chooses, one must require a great deal of talent but without the appropriate training and dedication, it is still useless. Proofs to this are numerous athletes who are known for their innate ability and dedication. Michael Jordan for instance, though at first wasn’t aware of the hidden potential but later on with the help of his parent’s uncovered it and found his niche in the world of basketball. Secondly, with the absence practice, the talent might be latent perhaps will die before it is given the opportunity to bloom. Obviously, it also needs time to bear fruition. Shaping the natural ability does not happen instantly in a matter of seconds but rather in the long run of repetition and proper guidance.

In a nutshell, attitude to life is all-important. A positive attitude would help you t that your in maximizing the natural talent. And I would also say that without further effort, natural talent will be wasted.

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