2016 03 Session A Questions Sample Answers

Q&A Section


According to the passage, how can people reduce pollution in their everyday lives?


Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card.

<20 seconds>

Now, Mr. / Ms. _________ , please turn over the card and put it down.


Some people say that people today use too much electricity. What do you think about that?


It is often said that modern life is very stressful. Do you think that people feel more stress today than before?

Yes. → Why?

No. → Why not?

Sample answers


One day, Mr. and Mrs. Kato were talking in their car. Mr. Kato said to his wife, ‘’Let’s start running for our health.’’That weekend at a shop Mrs. Kato was trying on a cap. Mr. Kato was asking a clerk about shoes in a magazine.The next day at a park, Mrs. Kato was tired from running. Mr. Kato suggested that they take a break.