2008 02 Session B Questions Sample Answers

Passage reading

Let the student read the passage aloud.

(Before, let the student read the passage silently for 20 seconds)

Please check where to pause.

Today, large amounts of corn are used to produce fuel for automobiles.

This makes it more difficult for people to buy corn for food.

As a result, the fuel industry is considering ways to use plants that people do not eat.

Some scientists are developing fuel from them. In this way, they are trying to improve the supply of corn for food.

Your story should begin with this sentence:

One day, Mr. and Mrs. Hoshino decided to drive less to help protect the environment.

Q&A Section


According to the passage, how are some scientists trying to improve the supply of corn for food?

A1 (Sample)

By developing fuel from plants that people do not eat.


Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card.

Now, Mr./Ms. _________, please turn over the card and put it down.

A2 (Sample)

One day, Mr. and Mrs. Hoshino decided to drive less protect the environment. He said to his wife, “I’ll start going to work by bicycle tomorrow.”

Later that day, Mr. Hoshino was putting some air into his bicycle tire in front of his garage. He hoped that going to work by bicycle would be faster than by car.

The next morning, Mr. Hoshino saw it was raining. Mrs. Hoshino suggested he should take the bus to work.


Some people say that it is difficult to reduce the amount of fuel and energy we use. What do you think about that?

A3 (Sample)

I agree. We need a lot of fuel and energy to live comfortably. For example, we can no longer live without using our own cars when getting around and without using air conditioner everyday.

I disagree. We are paying more attention to environmental issues. These days, more people are buying energy-saving products.


Today, many schools in Japan are increasing the number of classes in a week . Do you think it is good for students to have more classes in a week?

Yes – Why?

No – Why not?

A4 (Sample)


Having more classes gives students more time to learn. Learning many things as students will help them in the future.


I think students should have more time for themselves. It is important for them to learn how to make use of their free time.