2009_02_Sample_Answer(Hearing Base)

1. Does family play less important role nowadays?

‘Survival of the fittest’ is the golden rule in this world. It is not difficult to uncover the importance of family.

Our arrival in this world as well as our survival, starting from day one, hasn’t been determined but because of family we have become what we currently are.

Our family is our first school. We started learning about love, care, and family relationships through our family.

This is also where we first learnt to use our faculties and understand and cope with the physical world.

Family has played a great role in shaping and cultivating the values within us. Our success won’t be possible without them.

They are the source of our strength and the reason for why we strive to survive and succeed with every endeavor that comes our way.

Surely, it’s not the same with everyone else but the general sense of having a family gives an individual the sense of belonging and safety, something money nor any material thing can buy.

What we learnt from our family becomes our value system and forms our perceptions and basis of actions.

An individual is known by his actions – and it’s our family that gives us our identity.

Every individual, blocking off few unfortunates, are similar to the earth enwrapped by its environment, which acts as a protective layer and keeps the empty space out.

The earth is populated and fertile because of it. For an individual, the importance of family is immeasurable.

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2. Which one is more critical, crimes or environment issues?

The sudden springing up of more environmental issues have been very alarming recently.

Several catastrophes related to nature have caught a many peoples attention – a warning that an impending bigger catastrophe would possibly occur if we don’t do anything to stop it now.

Five years before Hurricane Katrina struck the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the US. More recently, a couple of mammoth quakes struck Haiti and Chile and destroyed the lives of many people. And even Pakistan has not escaped the ire of mature nature, for the country is currently battling a disastrous flooding that crippled the inhabitants ability to sustain themselves. All these issues brought about by nature have caused immense damages not only to the livelihood of mankind but to their lives as well. Toxins, waste, pollution, nuclear issues, environmental issues, and climate change have all stirred a great amount of debate and controversies on how to prevent it from futhering the damages these have done to the Earth.

If mother nature strikes, not even the richest nor the strongest man alive can ever stop her wrath, thus, it is high time for us to try to fix what we’ve damaged. A single tree could make a difference for the future generation, and to make a little remedy to the environmental issues mankind is facing.

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3. Are automobiles the symbol of development or of destroying environment?

The automobile was not invented in a single day by a single inventor, in fact, history tells us that automobiles reflect an evolution that took place worldwide.

The invention of automobiles has changed the lives of man forever. Convenience, on-demand transportation, mobility, and independence are some of the apparent benefits automobiles offer mankind. Ever since the invention of the first automobile, man has never stopped in trying to build a new and better one. And so far, man has been successful in his advances to acquiring an automobile that would suit not only the driver and the passengers but also the environment. Surely automobiles have contributed to the recent changes in the environment, but to single it out among the rest is idiocy. On present day, hybrid-electric vehicles, like Toyota Prius, have made it possible for lesser smog forming and toxic emissions, thus, symbolizing a successful innovation.

Whether automobiles are symbols of development or destruction, mankind have the power to make it more environmentally friendly by being responsible and aware of the effects of this to the environment. However, with the furthering of technology, it is not impossible to promote an even better innovation in the car industry.

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4. State your opinion on prevailing usages of drugs in youth.

Juvenile delinquency has been a worldwide problem that needs immediate attention and consistent action to battle this rotten social weed.

It has not only destroyed many of the lives of our future generation but it has also sucked up what little hope there is left to save them from total damnation.

Usage of unprescribed drugs is one of the many reasons, and perhaps the most severe, of why one losses his real identity. Usually, drug usage starts from teenage phase, since this is the stage where crucial decision making happens. And if these teens are left unguided, with bad company, they’re most likely to tread the wrong path to life. Drug usage does not only affect the mental processes of an individual, but it also drastically affects his social life. They become more elusive to the real world and gradually losses their connection with their family, friends, and loved ones.

The youth is the hope of the future, therefore, they must be guided carefully with the right amount of freedom given so that they’d also learn to stand on their own. But moral support as they traverse the changes they have to undergo in life should always be given, so they’d feel a sense of belonging and so that you can keep watch of how they are doing with their life. Communication is the key.

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