Pre2nd 2015 01 session A Questions Sample Answers


No.1 According to the passage, how do robot kits help young people to become more interested in science?

No.2 Now, please look at the people in Picture A. They are doing different things. Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.

No.3 Now, look at the woman in Picture B. Please describe the situation.

Now, Mr./Ms. _________, please turn over the card and put it down.

No.4 Do you think computers will be used in more classes at school in the future?

Yes. Why?

No. Why not?

No.5 Today, there are a lot of hundred-yen shops in Japan. Do you often go shopping at hundred-yen shops?

Yes. Please tell me more.

No. Why not?


  1. By offering a fun way to learn about technology.

  2. -The teacher is writing on the board.

-A boy is watering the flower.

-A boy is lifting the box.

-A girl is taking out a book. / A girl is taking out a box from her bag.

-A girl is opening the curtain.

  1. The woman wants to open the door but she couldn't find the key in her pocket.

  2. Yes. Because computer is very helpful in learning.

No. Because students cannot focus on their studies.

  1. Yes. My parents always take me when they go shopping.

No. Because my mother do not allow me to go shopping alone.