2017 01 Session A Questions Sample Answers

Q&A Section


According to the passage, how are some websites trying to create a peaceful online environment?


Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card.

<20 seconds>

Now, Mr. / Ms. _________ , please turn over the card and put it down.


Some people say that people should be more careful about shopping on the Internet. What do you think about that?


Today, many students take part in club activities at school. Do you think club activities are an important part of school education?

Yes. → Why?

No. → Why not?

Sample answers


One day, Keita was talking with his friend, Miyuki. Keita said to Miyuki, ‘’ Let’s see a movie this afternoon.’’On the train, a woman was carrying a lot of things. Keita thought that he should give her his seat. At the movie theater, Keita noticed that his phone was ringing. Miyuki told him to turn it off.