word drill

Read the following sets of words in progressions saying the vowel sounds accurately and distinctly.

i: (feed), i (fib), ei (fade), e(fed), ae(cat), α(cot), o:(bought), o(boat), u(book), u:(boot)

1. eat, it, ate, Ed, at, art, ought, oat, oop, oozy

2. eel, ill, ale, L, Al, alms, all, old, oomph, ooze

3. feel, fill, fail, fell, fat, far, fall, foal, full, fool

4. peal, pill, pail, pen, pal, palm, Paul, pole, pull, pool

5. been, bin, bane, Ben, ban, bar, boar, bone, boor, boon

6. seal, sill, sale, sell, Sally, sob, saw, sew, soot, sue

7. teen, tin, tame, ten, tan, ton, tawny, Tony, took, tooth

8. teak, tick, take, tell, tack, tar, tall, toll, tour, tool

9. leek, lick, lake, let, lack, lock, lawn, loan, look, Luke

10. reed, rid, raid, red, rat, rot, wrought, wrote, rook, route