2013-02-Session-B-sample speeches

1. Will the continued loss of biodiversity lead to environmental catastrophe?

Every single thing in the world plays a vital part in keeping equilibrium. A loss in any one of them could lead to undesirable effects, thus, continued loss could lead to a more grievous disaster. Let me cite some examples.

Firstly, because of modernization and urbanization many forests have been left barren. Humans deforest to pave way for new housing projects or fancy skyscrapers. It’s no surprise that deforestation is one of the major problems in many parts of the world, both in terms of preserving biodiversity and preventing climate change. Consequentially the desolate lands also result in harsher calamities such as mudslides, and flash floods. Air pollution is also becoming more suffocating because trees function as air cleaner and air freshener as well.

Another problem that has raised massive concerns is overfishing. In a study conducted, about 90% of the stocks of large predatory fish are already gone forever including tuna and cod. This is because of greed and global mismanagement. In retrospect, our oceans contained at least 6 times more fish in 1900 than in 2009. These figures are quite alarming and if this carries on, we should start forgetting about having seafood as part of our diet.

Millions of people worldwide are depending on the oceans and the forests for their daily livelihood. The damage to these important sources of life will not only bring forth countless of destructive environmental catastrophes but also an ominous future for mankind’s generations to come.

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2. Is corruption an inevitable part of modern society?

Undeniably, in some countries business owners are happier knowing that government officials won’t be asking money from them, however, on the other hand in some parts of the world corruption is a fact of life. This shows the reality that corruption is obviously a component of modern society, unfortunately.

Firstly, in a study conducted by Transparency International, a watchdog NGO, of the 177 countries and territories listed none of them scored perfect in terms of zero corruption. And though 1/3 of these countries managed to score above 50%, still these figures don’t look adorable.

Denmark and New Zealand tied at first spot for least corrupt countries. Data showed that in these two countries, corruption is about 9%. While Somalia, North Korea, and Afghanistan, which are tied for the lowest spot, showcased 92% corruption. These figures are overwhelming and are solid proof that corruption is everywhere – it might be less rampant or more rampant in some places but the fact remains that there’s corruption everywhere regardless.

Corruption cases have been around since time immemorial and no one has been successful in fending off this societal cancer. Regrettably, with the way things are going I guess it safe to say that corruption is a huge part of contemporary times.

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3. Should taxpayer money be used to support the arts?

Art is a means to express ones deepest emotions. It is a way of life, a way to communicate, and a way to cope, therefore, I strongly agree that arts should receive financial support by means of taxpayer’s money. Let me explain why.

Firstly, in a society where stressors are everywhere, everyone needs to have an outlet to de-stress oneself to maintain holistic wellness, especially mental wellness. For instance, some wounded or disabled military troops in the U.S. undergo arts therapy to help them cope with their misfortune. Many of them are engaged in music, painting, and poetry to help them communicate their inner thoughts that otherwise they couldn’t speak about with other humans. Through art, they’re able to release their emotional baggage.

In addition, art is a good teacher – it helps us understand and know ourselves better. By using our senses: our eyes to see and appreciate, our ears to hear and listen, our hands to sense and create, and our mouth to speak and sing we become one with our senses. In a study conducted, people that includes art in their lives are more in sync with themselves this means that they are more able to appreciate things in life.

Through arts, people can be saved and can be educated and I believe that this is a catalyst to a healthier society, therefore, a portion of the tax money should be used to fund arts.

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4. Can world peace ever be achieved?

With the ongoing violence in many parts of the world currently, it may seem that world peace will forever just remain a dream for everybody. However, if each one of us worked hand in hand, I believe world peace can be reached.

Firstly, according to research, if people aren’t happy and contented with their life they are most likely to commit desperate actions just to fill their needs and their families. CNN reported that Al Qaeda recruited poor people and promised them decent salary, thus, the idea of a better life for his family is enough to let the head of the household succumb to the terrorists’ invitation. If we could identify the reasons why people are unhappy and discontented, we could take the necessary actions to help address their problems and find long-term solutions.

In addition, many chaoses are brought about by political differences and greed. I believe that if more world leaders dealt with each other in a more diplomatic way, a peaceful negotiation will be achieved. If they learnt to compromise and think about the good of the general public, I believe unrest such as in Ukraine could be averted.

World peace appears to be a thing of the very distant future, however, I do believe that we can all co-exist in peace with one another if we all are willing to deal with, respect, and accept our differences.

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5. Agree or disagree: a university degree is necessary for success

Real success is accomplishing your goals in life without compromising and jeopardizing your values and morale. A university degree will help someone find better opportunities but I don't believe it is a requirement for success. Let me further substantiate my point of view.

Steve Jobs is one of the many people that achieved great fame and fortune because of his success in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation. In his Harvard commencement speech he told everyone the story of his life. He revealed that he was a college dropout and that it was the best thing that he ever did because if he continued his college course he wouldn’t have founded Apple Inc.

Like Steve, Mark Zuckerberg, one of the co-founders of Facebook also dropped out of college in his sophomore year. His brilliance in I.T. and programming brought him to where he is at right now. Another guy to add on the list of elite dropouts is Bill Gates, he too started Harvard but never finished it but yet he currently is the world’s richest man, estimated to be $76 billion worth.

True that a college degree gives you an edge in today’s fierce employment competition but success is achieved through hard work, dedication to the job at t hand, and the determination that whether you win or lose, you have applied the best of yourself to the task at hand.

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