2003_02_Session_X_sample speeches

(Social issues related topics)

A. What kind of scientific research should receive the most government funding?

B. The pros and cons of capitalism?

C. The company versus the family in modern Japan

(General topics)

D. Can world hunger be alleviated?

E. Can creativity be taught?

In above choices, C. would be a risky choice since the topic is so ambiguous.

E. Can creativity be taught?


(speech introduction)

The question of whether or not creativity can be taught is similar to the argument of nature versus nature. Are we born with talented and intelligence, or are they things that can be developed?

(implication of conclusion)

Humans appear to possess creativity in different amounts. (implying creativity cannot be taught)



It is true that people develop their creativity to varying degrees. For example, I may not be, by nature, inherently creative, but by being exposed to poetry or science fiction, I can maximize my creativity.

I think that people with a natural, creative gift may have their talent stifled if they receive a narrow education. Conversely, people who are born with little creative talent can develop that creativity to its fullest, if they are taught correctly. So, creativity could be developed somehow.

On the other hand, schoolteachers can identify those children in the class who demonstrate greater imagination and creativity, and those who show a lack of these traits. If you carefully see people around you, you also can cleary identify some people with creativity and some are not.


In my opinion, we are all born with different capacities for creativity.

Some people are born with a natural talent for art, music or invention, and others simply are not. So I conclude that it is very difficult to develop creativity. So, the most important thing is how we can find where we have our own creativity.

Q.1 You said that one can develop his or her creativity if correctly taught. But isn't there a limit to one's capacity to be creative?

Q.2 Do you think the Present educational system in Japan can nature students' creativity?

Q.3 How do you think one can help students develop their creativity?


(showing stance)

Well, yes, to some extent there are certain limitations.

(supporting detail)

I've been attempting to expose myself to poetry and science fiction as much as I can, but in spite of that I don't think I can write poems or science fiction comparable to those of professional poets and writers.