
1. Will the human race one day destroy itself?

2. Is enough being done to fight the trade in illegal drugs?

3. Does the mass media play a positive role in society?

4. Can keeping animals in captivity be justified?

5. Agree or disagree: Japan’s predicted labor shortage will cause a national crisis

Agree or disagree: Japan’s predicted labor shortage will cause a national crisis

Some may say that in the future, japan's labor shortage, due to super aging society, will result in national crisis. However i disagree with this.

First of all, introduction of robotics contributes to achieving high production without human labor.

For example, some Japanese companies have greatly boost their productivity and revenue by utilising highly advanced robotics in which AI is incorporated. This shows that introduction of such robotics will prevent possible crisis from happening in the future.

Secondly, introduction of foreign workers and immigrants play a vital role in promoting economic growth in Japan. For instance, today there are some sectors facing labor shortage, such as nursing care and IT engineering. Because of this, Japanese government is encouraging to invite foreign workers to Japan, especially in those sectors. This has resulted in success to cover labor shortage of young Japanese people.

For instance, …. This will greatly help to save Japanese economy in the future.

For these reasons, despite Japan’s labor shortage and low birth rate, I believe that Japan can maintain its productivity and economic growth, and thereby avoid its national crisis, even in the future. (199 words)