2006_02_Session_A_Sample answersF

A Sample Answer for Questions

------- I'd be thinking, "At first I was against the mall being built, but I guess

it'll provide jobs for the community."

------- I'd make sure the house was close to a train station. Living in the

countryside is fine, but I'd still want to go to the city sometimes.

------- Absolutely. For example, if I knew my neighbors well, I could ask

them to watch my house for me when I go on vacation.

------- Yes, definitely. it's the best way to make people aware about such

special places. It can also improve the local economy with the increase in tourism.

A Sample Answer for narration

One day, young woman went to a real estate agent.The real estate agent showed her house that was for sale. The woman asked about the location, and the agent promised that it was a peaceful place in the countryside. One month later, as the woman was moving in, an elderly lady came by to welcome her to the neighborhood. She brought her some fresh vegetables, and the young woman was very pleased. A few weeks later, however, the woman was shocked to see that a shopping mall was going to be built near their house. She imagined a busy mall with parking lots full of cars. The following spring, the elderly neighbor ran into the young woman. The lady said how close and convenient the new shopping mall was for her. The young woman, however, didn't know what to say because she moved there to get away from city life.