2007_02_Session_A_Sample answers

A sample narration

(Picture 1)

One weekend, a woman was talking to her husband about buying a computer. While their son was outside playing catch with his friend, the mother showed her husband a book about computer education for children.She thought that their son should start learning how to use a computer.

(Picture 2)

The next week, the mother showed her son how to use the computer they had bought for him. The son seemed to be really enjoying himself.

(Picture 3)

A few days later, the son's friend came over to play catch. Instead, the son suggested that his friend come inside and try out his new computer.

(Picture 4)

A month later, on a beautiful sunny day, the son and his friend were inside the house using the computer again. As the boy's parents looked on, the father expressed his concern. He told his wife that he was worried because their son and his friend rarely played outside anymore.


Bolded Text: You can find information in the pictures

Underlined Text: The main point of each picture (Story Flow)

Blue Text: Enriching sentences (detail depiction of pictures & emotions)

A Sample Answer for Questions

No. 1 ( If you were the woman in the fourth picture, what would you be thinking?)

I'd be thinking, "We should talk to our son and tell him that while the computer may be fun, it's unhealthy to stay indoors all the time."

No. 2 ( Do you think that computers should be used more in children's education?)

Of course. Children need to learn to use a computer to prepare for their future since most jobs today involve computers.

No. 3( Do you think that parents today feel a lot of pressure when bringing up their children?)

Yes. There are many TV programs and magazines articles telling people how they should bring up their children, and I think this affects parents quite a lot.

No. 4 ( Should the government raise taxes in order to improve public education?)

No. Taxes are high enough in this country. Besides, most people have the chance to attend college, so I think we already have a very good public education system.

--------------------------------------------------------ORIGINAL ANSWERS----------------------------------------------

------- I'd be thinking, "We should talk to our son and tell him that while the

computer may be fun, it's unhealthy to stay indoors all the time."

-------Of course. Children need to learn to use a computer to prepare for

their future since most jobs today involve computers.

------- Yes. There are many TV programs and magazines articles telling people

how they should bring up their children, and I think this affects parents

quite a lot.

------- No. Taxes are high enough in this country. Besides, most people have

the chance to attend college, so I think we already have a very good

public education system.

A Sample Answer for narration

One weekend, a woman was talking to her husband about buying a computer. While their son was outside playing catch with his friend, the mother showed her husband a book about computer education for children.

She thought that their son should start learning how to use a computer. The next week, the mother showed her son how to use a the computer they had bought for him. The son seemed to be really enjoying himself. A few days later, the son's friend came over to play catch. Instead, the son suggested that his friend come inside and try out his new computer. A month later, on a beautiful sunny day, the son and his friend were inside the house using the computer again. As the boy's parents looked on, the father expressed his concern. He told his wife that he was worried because their son and his friend rarely played outside anymore.

A Sample Answer for narration