
Session A Questions Sample Answers

Passage reading

Let the student read the passage aloud.

(Before, let the student read the passage silently for 20 seconds)

Using Rainwater

People tend to think that Japan's water supply is large enough.

However,some researchers are worried about how climate change

will affect this supply.Because oft his concern,they are

encouraging people to use rainwater more effectively.For example,

many buildings are now designed to collect it in tanks for daily use.

Using rainwater will probably be even more important in the future.

Please check where to pause.

People// tend to think// that Japan's water supply// is large enough.

However//,some researchers //are worried about //how climate change.

will affect// this supply.Because of this concern//,they are

encouraging people //to use rainwater more effectively//.For example//,

many buildings //are now designed //to collect it in tanks// for daily use.

Using rainwater //will probably //be even more important// in the future.

Q&A sections


No. 1 According to the passage, why are some researchers

encouraging people to use rainwater more effectively?



No. 2 Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation.

You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card. <20 seconds>

Please begin.

Now, Mr. / Ms. -, please turn over the card and put it down.



No. 3 Some people say that more people will buy bottled water in

the future. What do you think about that?



No. 4 Today, many elementary schools in Japan are teaching

English. Do you think all elementary schools should teach English?

Yes. →Why?

No. →Why not?