2006_03_Session_B_sample speeches

1. Is it possible to create an effective world government?


Certain rules and regulations have long been imposed ever since the dawn of time. These rules served as guidelines for citizens in a particular place or country to follow. And indeed it was of much help in maintaining peace and order within the society.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), European Union (EU), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the United Nations Organization (UNO) are some, to name a few, of the many organizations that have come to play a great role in keeping international relations in good condition. Although many uncomely happenings are taking place recently like; the war in Iraq, the war between Israel and Palestine, terrorism, and the on-going battle against global economic crisis, we can't deny the fact that this worldly plight could've gotten even worse than its already worst state if not for these organizations that help find solutions in many acceptable ways. These organizations are responsible for authoring several treaties and agreements by many member nations agreeing to the terms, rules and protocols due a member. Maintaining peace, aiding nations in need of help, promoting healthcare, providing medical missions, education and awareness, environmental concerns and advancement in technology are part of what these member nations agreed upon on, thus, it helps a lot in minimizing, if not, wiping out possible arising of conflicts among nations.


Though at present several glitches and misunderstandings within the global society are prominent, but I strongly believe an effective world government is close at hand. Now that lifestyle has become more sophisticated and world leaders and even commoners are becoming more open-minded when it comes to international issues and concerns, I damn well know it that the creation of an effective world government is nearing realization.

[287 words]

[edited by pace]

2. Are people today becoming less interested in the news?


Terrorism, wars in different parts of the world, economic crisis, and natural disasters are common sights on TV, radio, newspaper, internet, and the neighborhood nowadays. And who says no one listens to these news when all the world knows that these do not only affect one individual or one nation but possibly the entire humanity?


I'd be a hypocrite if I say I listen to the news everyday and I'd be nothing different to a phoney if I say all news stirs my interest. News about who won the 2009 World Cup may not interest me, but news on the latest advancement in medicine and innovations in scientific research may as well make me a couch potato because I am pretty sure that I'll be all ears and eyes when they tell and show it. Fact is, a lot of people behave in the same way. They only hear the news that interests them but news they find ho-hum might as well be left unheard by them. Mass media is part of life; to some it is their life, their way of expressing themselves. Media is the best way to mass communicate, to educate and to promote awareness, and it has ever since played a major role in providing information to many.


Human preferences determine what a person wants. Some things may interest others to such a great extent while to others it simply is not worth their time. People's interest in the news isn't decreasing, it's just a matter of their preferences.

[253 words]

[edited by pace]

3. Does the Japanese custom of gift-giving have a place in modern business?


Gift giving is an art form, representing friendship, respect, and gratitude. The ceremony is important; the gift is always in a gift box, or beautifully wrapped in quality paper, and given with great respect. Because the symbolism is what’s important, frequently the actual gift may be very modest.


In Japan exchanging gifts or gift giving is a tradition. There’s an expectation a gift will be offered at the first meeting, and gifts will continue to be part of your business dealings. Come prepared to that first meeting with a beautifully wrapped, quality gift that’s not extravagant. It’s a gesture that you’re looking forward to a long lasting relationship. And if you are a high level executive, don't be surprised to receive a lavish gift. The Japanese executive will consider your status and the business relationship when selecting your gift. In addition to gifts being routinely given for various occasions or meetings, there are two ‘gift giving’ seasons each year. One is mid-summer (O-Chugen) and the other at the end of the year (O-Seibo). A gift should be given during each of these seasons.


In my opinion gift giving in Japan in modern business is still practice. Giving gift shows respect and it should be plan time and focused on the process. You have to search about the company before giving a gift if you want that your meeting will be successful.

[232 words]

[edited by kinkin]

4. Hi-tech sports equipment vs. natural ability in sports today


Some men are born with great talents while others are gifted with superb intelligence. But not all good things are innate, mostly they can be acquired thru constant practice paired with perseverance.


Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Muhammad Ali, and Michael Schumaker are among those who've made a resounding name fir themselves in the world of sports. They awed spectators with their superior abilities in their chosen field. Michael Jordan played hoops with amazing moves that he made it into the Hall of Fame. Muhammad Ali scared his opponent with his herculean strength, and until to this day his name remains prominent in boxing. Tiger Woods' distinct patience, precision, and concentration gained him several titles in Major Tournament in golf. And finally, Michael Schumaker drifted his way in the track leaving his opponents in dust, is now one of the most favored racer in the world.


Hardwork is the common denominator shared by these successful athletes. You don't measure your ability and your capabilities by the equipment you use while having training, may it be of hi-technology or traditional, but you measure your talent by how you showcase it in your chosen field. After all, it's a matter of how you play the game.

[203 words]

[edited by pace]

5. Do young people today lack direction in their lives?


Gone are the days when children were treated like as if they were in the army. Nowadays, parents aren't as tight as before, they now allow their children to choose freely and venture on their own.


Young people are faced with a lot of choices, thus, implying that the decisions they are about to make are crucial. It takes a lot of guts and determination to decide on what one wants for his future. Several changes have occurred as time went by. Seasoned people would say that during their times things were more easy, I guess that's because life during the past was also much simpler. But the contemporary time proves a lot of complexities in life. Advancements, innovations, and evolution of lifestyle are evident of the many choices spread in front of the younger generation of today. More choices would mean more time to evaluate and contemplate as to what path to take.


I don't think that young people today lack directions in their lives. It's just that, young people of today's generation are now more cautious and more open-minded than the people of past generations. Asking for more time to decide on one's future is not a sign nor a symptom of having no direction at all, it is simply a sign of an intense evaluation of possible things that could happen due to lack of preparation.

[229 words]

[edited by pace]