2012 02 Session A Questions&Sample Answers


    1. According to the passage, how do farmers attract many customers at farmer's markets?
      1. *By selling fresh fruits and vegetables they have grown.
    2. Now, please look at the people in Picture A. They are doing different things. Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.
      1. * A woman is planting flowers.
      2. * A man is painting a fence
      3. * A man is lifting a box.
      4. * A woman is putting things into a vending machine.
      5. * A man is getting out of a car.
    3. Now, look at the woman in Picture B. Please describe the situation.
      1. * A woman finds a wristwatch on a bench. She is thinking of giving it to the police.
    4. Do you think young people today should eat more vegetables?
      1. Yes. - Why?
      2. No. - Why not?
      3. *Yes, I think so, because young people are eating too much junk food and they are becoming fat.

*No, I don't think so, because young people are already eating a lot of vegetables. Their parents always prepare vegetables as their food.

5. These days, many people like to keep pets. Are you interested in keeping a pet?

Yes- Please tell me more.

No- Why not?

* Yes. Pets are very cute. They can make me happy.

* No. Pets are very difficult to take care. Also , my family lives in an apartment. We are not allowed to keep pets.