
How to pronounce The STOP consonant [3]

Links to Phonetics: the sound of American English (発音の仕方をこちらのリンクから確認)

Pink: relatively lower priorities

Red: High priorities

Let's practice






Other word examples

Directions: Read the following words, phrases, sentences and tongue twisters correctly

saying the / з / accurately and distinctly.




casual, visual, usual, pleasure, measure, Asia, explosion, confusion, occasion,treasure,television,decision


beige, rouge, entourage, mirage,garage,massage,sabotage


vision mission

beige corsage

delusion and confusion

tough decision


1. The army officer was charged of espionage and sabotage,unpardonable crimes of subversion.

2. There was confusion over the leader's decision.

3. The visionary was the object of derision.

4. The seizure of the cache of firearms was made with percision.

5. The past regime was marked by the rise of the bourgeoisie.

Tongue Twister

Casual clothes are provisional for leisurely trips across Asia.

Exercise 1: Pictures

Instructions: Identify the following pictures with the / з / sound.

Exercise 2: Vocabulary Test

Test I

Instructions: Underline the correct word that corresponds to the sentence.

1. I listen to different _______ (gender, genre, gene) of music.

2. At long last the communist _______ (re-game, regime, regnant) has finally come to an end.

3. His _______ (elusions, illusions, elutions) were alarming!

4. The _______ (futon, fusion, fuss) of milk and chocolate would create milk-chocolate.

5. His future entirely depends on his mother's _______ (decision, deceit, dacite).

Test II

Match the words in column A with the meanings in column B.


1. diffusion a. done or occurring in a brief period of time

2. amnesia b. partial or total loss of memory

3. seizure c. the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication

4. intrusion d. characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance

5. barrage e. entrance by force or without permission or welcome

f. a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease

g. the process in which there is movement of a substance from an area of high concentration of that substance to an area of lower concentration

Test III

Listening Test

Instructions: Listen carefully` as the teacher reads series of sentences.

Fill in the blanks the appropriate word to complete the sentence.

1. The view from the _______ (log, loge) is very much _______(pleasurable, palatable).

2. A loud _______ (explosion, exploration) was heard from outside, thus, safety _______ (meteors, measures) should be followed.

3. The _______ (protégé, portage) got _______ (savaged, sabotaged) into a controversy.

4. I've got loads of _______ (leisure, lesion) time enough for making a _______ (college, collage).

5.The _______ (treasures, treasons) we found were too much that we weren't able to count them, they

were _______ (immeasurable, immovable).

Exercise 3: Article reading

Instructions: Read the article correctly saying the / з / sound accurately and underline

the words with the / з / sound. Then answer the following questions.

Another way to extinguish birthday wishes

by Albert T.

This one time, my friends and I were celebrating a friend's birthday and went to a chic restaurant uptown.

Birthday boy decided to bring along his new girlfriend, who revealed herself to be extremely thickheaded by responding with "Whaat?" to everything anyone said and basically acting completely idiotic in all ways possible. Well, the restaurant had a couple of strangely shaped candles out and the girlfriend said, "Wow, I've never seen fire like this before." We looked at her and she continued, "This is really interesting." Suddenly before anyone could blink she reached up and touched the candle flame and began to scream. In her hysteria her blouse lit on fire as well. She had to be doused thoroughly with everyone's cups of water and afterward cried to be taken home. It was the worst birthday the guy had ever had. And actually, that guy was me. Thank goodness it's over.

Exercise 4: Role Play (Picture Descriptions)

Instructions: Create a story out from these pictures.