2017_01_Session_B_Sample answers


picture1:One day, a mayor was talking with one of her staff in city hall. The staff showed a graph of employment rate in their city. 2016’s employment rate was almost as half as 2014. The staff told the mayor, “We need to do something to create more jobs.” The mayor was disappointed with the graph and thought what she can do to recover this condition.

picture2:The mayor hosted a meeting to collect the ideas to solve this problem. At a meeting, they thought of two main ideas. One was to build a new shopping mall and the other was to construct new factories. They debated whether building a mall is better or constructing new factories are profitable for the city. They reached a decision to build a new shopping mall because they thought the citizens will enjoy more by having new stores and facilities in the mall.

picture3:A couple of years later, they were able to invite ABC Mall in their city. The ABC Mall is one of the largest mall company and they were planning to employ many citizens. The mayor joined the opening ceremony and was sure that employment rate will be fine by seeing the new mall and citizens welcoming the mall as a new attraction of the city.

picture4:Unfortunately, the effect of building a mall also had a bad part. The following year, the mayor read an article in the newspaper written, “Local shops struggling to compete with the new mall.” The mayor just thought about having people who weren’t able to work and she couldn’t care about people who works already. The local shops can’t compete with the mall because the new mall has better facilities and tons of shops. The mayor regretted they should have chosen to construct new factories instead of building a mall. The problem of decreasing employment rate couldn’t be fixed by having a new mall because there were also new people who had to quit their job in local shops.


No.1:If I were the woman, I would be regretting. I should have thought about the local shops based in the community. It was important to produce a new job but I should have protected the local shops.

No.2:No, I don’t think people nowadays care enough about their communities. This is because in Japan, many citizens now live in an apartment where we don’t have to greet each other or help each other. Many of my friends said they don’t even know who lives next to their room. I think this is not good from a prospect of security. We can be aware of strangers by interacting with their neighbors. I think more people should care more about their society.

No.3:Yes, I think many companies force the employees to work harder. We often see a news about over working. I heard Japanese people tends to work too much because there aren’t much regulations about over time labor. I think the government should enforce more laws to restrict over time work.

No.4:Yes, I think so. Including me, many young people chooses where to go from many kinds of media. In the TV, many gourmet will be introduced and lot of people chooses to eat at that restaurant. Also, social media has a great influence on everyday life. I think opinions should differ by people but nowadays, everyone does the same thing. I feel we should hold a no media day to fix this situation.