2017_02_Session_A_Sample answers


picture1:One weekend, a couple was visiting the man’s parents’ farm in the countryside.

The man’s parents had a problem. They told the couple, “We’re getting too old for farming.” They were feeding the cows, but the job was too hard for the elderly. The man felt sorry for his parents and started thinking to live together in his parents’ home.

picture2:A week later, the man suggested to quit the job in the city and become the farmer in the rural area. He thought it was better for his parents. The woman thought about her children. She thought it isn’t good for children to stay in the house playing games and not going outside. She thought living in the man’s parents’ farm might be a better environment for children to grow healthy. So she agreed to move to the countryside.

picture3:The following year, the couple and their children started living with the man’s parents. The grandparents were relieved that their son and daughter in law will own their farm and was delighted to live with their grandchildren. The children seemed happy too. They often talked about their school life, and listened to their grandparents’ stories at “engawa”, or Japanese style veranda. After seeing his children and his parents getting along, the father thought his decision to move in was not wrong. But he didn’t realize his wife not enjoying the work at farm and had a tough time cleaning the barn. The woman couldn’t stand the smell of cows and hard work.

picture4:A few months later, the woman became home sick. She told her husband that she misses city life and wants to go back. But the man couldn’t answer right away. He thought about his parents, children, and his wife. He thought it was best for his family to live together in the countryside, but he started thinking his decision was too careless for his wife.


No.1:If I were the man, I would be thinking if I should go back to the city for the woman or stay and support parents. I will be irritated because I don’t know what is the best decision.

No.2:I don’t think so. There is a report that in 2045, Tokyo will be the only prefecture that will have more population. This means people want to live in the city and work as a salary man. So, I think people won’t be interested in careers in agriculture.

No.3:I don’t think so. I feel modern families tends to do things individually. People face smartphones than families. They rather look at screens and enjoy the entertainment than having conversation or events in the family, To prevent this situation, families should make rules such as eating dinner together everyday.

No.4:I thinks so. Young people nowadays use social network sites to spread information about volunteer or harsh reality that needs help. For example, I heard many people who were able to know how the situation was like after the hazard went to volunteer and send foods or necessary goods to the place. I think many people went because of the information given by young citizens.