2007_03_Session_A_sample speeches

1. Should the government do more to encourage people to lead healthy lifestyles?

Human resource is the best asset a country can have. However, with the current lifestyle that is prevalent these days in which most people focus on their respective jobs and sometimes failed to value healthy living, it is just right that government have to simulate the citizen to be more cautious on their health status. In addition, having healthier citizens mean a nation is capable for further advancement in terms of technology, better performance and living longer.

To start with, the country’s success depends on the kind of people it has. Workforce and intelligence are highly regarded as important aspects to make this happen. Machineries, household equipments, mobile phones and computers can not be invented and disseminated throughout that world if not because of us. Second, a sound individual is believed to do better in their studies and work. According to certain study conducted to determine whether a healthy lifestyle has a great effect on performance at school, shows that a student having desirable lifestyle can do 70% better. On top of that, eating the right kind of food, exercising and avoiding fatigue would lead to a higher tendency of living longer. It has been noticed these days most foods are added preservatives that are not good for the body like junk foods, fast foods and canned goods. As a result, some are easily get sick because the body could no longer protect against diseases.

Through a rigid campaign coming from government, there’s a higher possibility of public health awareness and thus could yield a positive outlook of living a healthier life.

(262 words)

2. Does the media in Japan promote Western values?

3. Should people have the right to own firearms for self-defense?

Although we prioritize our own safety, it is not justifiable to possess deadly weapons. These can only create undesirable place to living. I believe that laws imposed by the law makers are enough to protect the people and preserve the peace and harmony of the community.

Let me start my point by mentioning one of the functions of the government which is to maintain and make sure that people are protected in any harm. In my own perception, this is already enough to feel secured and at peace. As we can see, public places like malls, airport, subway stations and educational institutions are strictly monitored by inspecting the luggage or bags of the passengers or customers before entering these places. Also, it is a threat not only to the other members of the family, but as well as to people around. Accidents do happen at the most unexpected time. If one is keeping a gun, however due to carelessness left it in full view of the child then maybe we can guess what would happen next. A considerable number of incidents are already reported regarding a child accidentally pulled the trigger to someone or worst to at oneself. Finally, possessing a deadly weapon means power to dominate over the others and would likely lead to the abuse of the given right to own such. Moreover, it could be an implication that because one can hold a firearm then he is already given the license to kill and would probably lead to higher crime rate.

In conclusion, allowing all individuals to have weapons for protection is not a perfect idea to pursue. Even though it would bring advantage against ill-citizens, but it has also downturns and these weigh more than the good points.

(292 words)

4. Is increasing taxes a good way to improve public services?

5. Does music play a positive role in society today?