2014_03_Session_A_sample speeches

1. Agree or disagree: Classical literature still has a place in the modern classroom

These days, more and more schools tend to offer subjects that are related to their lives instead of classical literature.

Many people say that Classical Literature has to be handed down to every next generation. However, as for me, I think that classical literature no longer has a place in the modern classroom. There are two reasons why I think so.

First of all, classical literature knowledge is neither needed to pass university entrance examination nor useful in real society. Because of this, educators should concentrate on teaching more pragmatic knowledge. In fact, in Japan, schools put emphasis on core subjects such as Mathematics, Science and others in order to help students enter good universities.

Secondly, classical literature often contains inaccurate information. Because of this some educators doubt the credibility of it. For instance, Kojiki, which is the oldest extant chronicle, described ancient Japanese emperors, but many history teachers assume that early emperors are mythical or legendary. That is the reason why many teachers believe that such incorrect information may cause unnecessary confusion among students.

In conclusion, related with two reasons I mentioned a while ago, I don’t think that classical writings still play an important role in schools now. (200 words)

2. Is globalization reducing cultural diversity?

As mass communication and transport continue to grow, society is becoming more and more globalized. I believe that globalization will inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural identity.

First of all, as multinational food companies have been accelerating their overseas development, there are more and more similar restaurants in large cities around the world which have no features of local tradition. For instance, Starbucks coffee shops are threatening tea culture in England. The number of coffee drinkers has gradually increased and the share of tea markets in England has been steadily taken by Starbucks coffee since they entered the market.

Secondly, even in film industry, homogenization of the cultural diversity is also promoted. In fact, huge number of American movies are launched in over eighty foreign movie markets and they have been gaining popularity all over the globe. For example, many film distribution companies even in non-English-speaking countries such as China, Korea and Serbia, have been buying plenty of Hollywood movies, which resulted in Hollywood acquiring a surprising 30 percent share of the film market in these countries.

In conclusion, related with two reasons mentioned a while ago, I believe that globalization is eliminating cultural diversity, thus, creating the homogenization of cultures. (203 words)

3. Should the sale of tobacco products be made illegal?

Smoking has had a variety of risks. In my speech, I will explain why I agree that the sale of tobacco products should be made illegal.

First of all, tobacco is highly devastating to human health. Indeed, many healthcare researchers around the world have warned that tobacco is incriminated as the major cause of lung cancer. Therefore, the regulation of the sale of this product will definitely contribute to improving the health and welfare of both active and passive smokers.

Secondly, smoking may trigger a fire, which could cost human lives and properties. In fact, white paper on fire service published by a Japanese Ministry showed that there are around five thousand fires caused by tobacco each year in Japan. Therefore, it is clear that tobacco cause large adverse effects in our real life.

In conclusion, taking these risks into consideration, I strongly believe that the sale of tobacco products should be prohibited by law. (155 words)

4. Is modern society too dependent on computers?

These days, with the development and spread of computer technology, the modern society is apt to depend on it. In my speech, I will explain why I believe modern society is too dependent on computers.

First of all, computers are becoming indispensable in manufacturing industries. With these computerized machines, companies can ensure high productivity and profitability. For example in textile and clothing industries, human designers and cutters are no longer needed thanks to computers. Everything can be done quickly and accurately without human.

Secondly, people are using computers to pay bills and place an advertisement. It means, f we use online transactions through computer, we can pay bills instantly from the comfort of our seat at home, or office. With this convenience, people no longer bother to physically go to specific bureau to transact business.

In conclusion, there are so many aspects in our lives that make dependency on computers inevitable. Thus, I strongly believe that modern society relies too much on computers. (163 words)

5. Should celebrities stay out of politics?

Many people from various countries think that celebrities need to stay out of politics. However, I disagree with their idea. Let me explain with two points.

Firstly, celebrities highly value their reputation. Because of this, they will surely do their best to do their duty as a politician to continually maintain their honor and keep their huge base of fans. Take the late president Ronald Reagan for example. He was once an actor, but became one of the most influential politicians in the US.

Secondly, celebrities offer a new style of governance. In contrast to many scandalous politicians nowadays, celebrities can play an important role by setting a good example in our society. We feel closer to them because we are used in seeing them on television. For instance, Actress Ryoko Yonekura promotes women’s status in Japan. We look up to her.

Therefore, I think there is no reason why celebrities should stay out of politics. Instead, I hope more and more celebrities join the political arena to replace corrupt and deceitful politicians. (173 words)