
1. Should all citizens be required to vote by law?

2. Environmentalism and big business: Will there always be conflict?

3. Does raising the consumption tax help or hinder economic growth?

4. Agree or disagree: Not enough importance is given to the study of history

5. Is Japan facing a social-welfare crisis?

2. Environmentalism and big business: Will there always be conflict?

Some people believe that environmentalism and big business can coexist because many large companies are adopting green business practices. For instance, some companies are using eco-friendly materials in their products or reducing energy consumption in their operations. This shows that businesses can be profitable while still caring for the environment.

-rooftop gardens 

Another reason people think environmentalism and big business won't conflict is that there is a growing public demand for sustainable products. For example, many consumers prefer to buy goods from companies that prioritize environmental responsibility. This encourages big businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices to meet the demand and maintain their customer base.


Some argue that environmentalism and big business can align because governments are implementing regulations to encourage eco-friendly practices. For instance, laws may require companies to reduce emissions or properly dispose of waste. Big businesses may find it beneficial to comply with these regulations not only to avoid penalties but also to enhance their public image as environmentally responsible entities.