Pre2nd 2015 02 session A Questions Sample Answers

    1. According to the passage, why will libraries probably offer more new services in the future?

* Because they want to make more people interested in reading.

    1. Now, please look at the people in Picture A. They are doing different things. Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.

*A woman is getting off an elevator. = A woman is coming out of the elevator.

*A man is wiping his glasses.

* A boy is using a photocopy machine.

* A girl is watching a DVD. Or A girl is watching a movie.

* A man is fixing a door.

    1. Now, look at the man in Picture B. Please describe the situation.

*He dropped the computer and thinks he broke it.

Now, Mr. / Ms. ____, please turn over the card and put it down.

    1. Do you think that reading comic books is good for children?

Yes. → Why?

*There are comic books about history, science, and so on. Children can learn many things through comic books.

*Children also needs time to relax. Comic books give them such time.

No. → Why not?

*Reading comic books is a waste of time. Children should spend their time studying for school.

*Comics can be dangerous to some children.

    1. Today, many people enjoy buying and selling things at flea markets. Do you often go to flea markets to buy things?

Yes. → Please tell me more.

*Things at flea markets are cheaper than in stores. Also, flea markets sell a wide variety of goods.

*Shopping at flea markets is fun.

No. → Why not?

* Flea markets usually don't have the newest goods. Also, it's easier to find the things I want at stores.

* I like new things. Most of the things sold at flea markets are used ones.