2008 01 Session B Questions&Sample Answers

Passage reading

Let the student read the passage aloud.

(Before, let the student read the passage silently for 20 seconds)

Please check where to pause.

People who have moved to another country often experience culture shock.

This feeling comes from contact with cultural differences. People can learn about such differences in advance, and this helps them deal with culture shock effectively.

Living in a different culture takes effort. How ever, it gives people the opportunity to become aware of different values and understand their own culture better.

Your story should begin with this sentence: One day, Jun and his parents went to the airport to pick up Bill, a student from abroad.

Q&A Section


According to the passage, how can people deal with culture shock effectively?

A1 (Sample)

By learning about cultural differences in advance.


Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card.

<20 seconds>

Please begin.

Now, Mr./Ms. ____, please turn over the card and put it down.

A2 (Sample)

One day, Jun and his parents went to the airport to pick up Bill, a student from abroad. Jun said to Bill, “Hi, Bill. We are your host family”.

One hour later at Jun’s house, Jun’s father was carrying suitcase. Jun explained that Bill should take off his shoes when entering the house.

That evening in the bathroom, Jun told him that he should not wash his body in the bathtub. Bill was surprised to hear that.


Some people say that the best way to learn a foreign language is to live in a country where the language spoken. What do you think about that?


I agree. People have more chances to talk with native speakers. They have to use the language in many different situations.

I disagree. Living in another country costs too much money.

People can learn a foreign language in other ways even in their home country.


Today, many people send and receive e-mail every day. Do you think people use e-mail too often?

Yes – Please explain

No – Please explain



They even send messages to friends in the same room. I think people should have more face-to-face communication.


I don’t think people today can live without e-mail. For example, businesspeople have to exchange information quickly.