2nd June 2018

Post date: 02-Jun-2018 19:17:32

We all had a tremendous time at Oxford Pride today. you can see a video and some pictures here, courtesy of the Oxford Mail.

Lots of people were interested in the Design Ability stall and a journalist from the Oxford Mail interviewed them for a feature on gay entrepreneurs. They made a new, rainbow-coloured, version of their logo, which we all think looks very smart. lucy says they ought to use it instead of the original green one, but they're not so sure. For one thing, the text isn't as easy to read, which isn't good for a busines whoese customers include people with sight impairments and aphasia; and there's always the possibility of putting off some customers by making too much of the link with Gay Pride. Here's the new logo. What do you think?

Rainbow background with "Design Ability" in black and a stylised wheelchair symbol.