1st April 2018

Post date: 01-Apr-2018 17:16:15

The Easter Vigil, including Peter's confirmation, passed off OK last night. The organ was in fine fettle - as it should be after all the weeks' work it's had lavished on it. Although technically the Communion at the end of the Vigil fulfills our Easter sunday obligation (if you bother with such things, which I don't but Peter, as a new Catholic, probably does), we did get up in time to go to the early Mass this morning. The big surprise was when Jonah declared his intention of coming with us. I suspect that he may have been testing to see whether Father Damien would give him communion again the way he did at the Vigil. (He did.)

Then it was on to Cowley Road for their Easter Service at which Dean was playing. It's been a big boon having an ex-organ scholar joining the congregation. We've been really struggling to find pianist to accompany the hymns recently.

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