97.5 Summary

In this paper, a new meta-heuristics, viz., the IWD algorithm, is enhanced to solve SOJSSP and MOJSSP, where the JSSP is modelled as a modified disjunctive graph that resembles rivers in the IWD algorithm. In this research, the OIWD algorithm is improved by introducing five schemes, viz., (1) diverse soil and velocity, (2) conditional probability computation, (3) bounded local soil, (4) elite global soil update, and (5) a combined local search. The enhanced algorithms are the EIWD and the MOJSSP-IWD algorithms. The optimization objective considered for SOJSSP is makespan in this research, while MOJSSP with the consideration of three objectives, namely, the makespan, tardiness, and mean flow time, has been studied. The research goal for MOJSSP is to find a set of solutions in the form of alternative trade-offs in the Pareto optimal set, and a new method is proposed to generate the Pareto non-dominance set. A scoring function and a Pareto schedule-checking process are embedded in the MOJSS-IWD algorithm. Experiments have been conducted using 43 standard benchmark instances from the OR-Library to validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the enhanced algorithms.
Experimental results show that EIWD can generate better results by finding additional best known solutions and generate schedules with a smaller deviation from the best known solutions. Experimental results also indicate that MOJSSPIWD can generate better results in general. Considering that the three objectives have been explored, the question under study is very challenging, and MOJSSPIWD is a promising algorithm for solving MOJSSP.


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