94.6 Summary

With an eye on sustainable manufacturing, attention is shifted to reverse supply chains to reduce the organizations’ carbon footprint and preserve our physical environment. But perhaps above all, from a market perspective, sustainability requires gathering more business logic and favorable bottom lines to trigger the change. The proposed framework which allows reuse, remanufacture, and recycle of EoL product can boost the value retrieved from return goods through proper planning and design. Each of the options discussed above essentially increases product knowledge, creates channels for information feedback, lowers production costs and selling prices, improves customer relationships, and widens presence in new and old markets.
In conclusion, the proposed methodology is able to stimulate and support product and process innovation, thus enhancing bottom-line performance, delivering cost benefits to the company, and ensuring sustainability. It serves to create new knowledge, increase failure detection, and reduce risks, as well as provide alternative solutions with integration of public policy.


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