39. Micro Tools Fabrication by Focused Ion Beam Technology

Wei Wu, Wanli Li, and Zong Wei Xu: College of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering, Centre of MicroNano Manufacturing Technology, Tianjin University, Nankai District, Tianjin, China
Fengzhou Fang: The State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology & Instruments, Centre of MicroNano Manufacturing Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

39.1 Introduction
Tool-Based Micromachining
Microtool Developments 

39.2 Tool Fabrication Mechanism and Process
Fundamentals of FIB Processing
Microtool Fabrication Using Focused Ion Beam Milling
Microtools of Various Materials

39.3 Summary and Outlook
Sharpness of the Tool
Damage of FIB Sputtering on Tools and Its Alleviation Strategies
Morphology Control in Fabrication and Efficiency
Future Development 

39.4 References


With the trends towards miniaturization,micro-systems, sophisticated devices, and miniaturized three-dimensional (3D) structures are in great demands, which stimulate the development of micro-/nano-manufacturing technologies. Micro-/nanocutting is one of the most important methods in micro-/nano-manufacturing and it is capable of fabricating microstructures on various materials. However, research and development of the micro-cutting tools largely determined the progress of micro-/nano-cutting technologies and their applications. As a novel fabrication technology, focused ion beam (FIB) direct writing is capable of fabricating the microtools with specific tool profile and nanometric cutting edge. In this chapter, various efforts to fabricate geometrically complex and sharp microtools are described. The fabrication techniques and their performance and applications are discussed. The characteristics of the FIB related to its material processing rates and surface morphologies are introduced. Furthermore, the machining technique and applications using microtools are discussed and their future developments on microtool fabrication by FIB are provided as well.