73.3 Development Scenarios of Materials Surface Engineering

The references (Lindgren and Bandhold 2009; Bradfield et al. 2005; van Notten et al. 2003; Heugens and van Oesterhout 2001; Martelli 2001) indicate that there is no one correct and generally accepted method of creating the scenarios of future events or a management algorithm recommended for implementation in the scenario creation process. In practice, the algorithm is created each time from scratch by those undertaking a specific investigation. The same refers to building the scenarios presenting the forecast future of materials surface engineering where a methodological challenge exists in combining skillfully the presentation and description of factors with their varied degree of generality and capturing the cause-and-effect relationships existing between them. In order to solve the so formulated research task, all the factors analyzed were split into the three groups: macro-, mezo-, and microfactors.
Three alternative scenarios of materials surface engineering development were presented at the highest level of generality assuming the optimistic, neutral, and pessimistic progress of future events at a macro- and mezoscale. It was shown in particular how the development of surface engineering (macroscale) would influence the development of the key mezofactors (Fig. 6) and thematic areas (Fig. 7).