94. Product Characteristic Based Method for End-of-Life Product Recovery

Yen Ting Ng and Bin Song: Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), Singapore

94.1 Introduction
End-of-Life Product Recovery
Classification of EoL Product Condition

94.2 The Methodology for Product Recovery
EoL Product Measurement
Types of Product Recovery
New Product Information to Support Product Recovery

94.3 Design for EoL Product Recovery
Residue Value

94.4 Cost and Environmental Impact Analysis
Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Life Cycle (Environmental Impact) Assessment

94.5 Decision Making in Selecting EoL Product Recovery Option
Decision-Making Process

94.6 Summary


This chapter introduces a method for deciding optimal options in end-of-life (EoL) product recovery. It utilizes multiple factors on EoL product condition and EoL product recovery values for better decision making in the planning of EoL product recovery for optimal eco-performance. These factors are measurable and closely tied to the product characteristics. The merits of the method can be seen from three perspectives. Firstly, embedded information and resources of returned products are fed back to the product life cycle chain as a closed loop for continuous improvement in product design and manufacturing. Secondly, EoL product recovery options for reusability, remanufacturability, and recyclability can be optimally determined. And thirdly, it quantifies the benefits of incorporating EoL product recovery into manufacturing processes in terms of manufacturing costs, material utilization, and energy consumption. A case study on a crankshaft from a refrigerator reciprocating compressor is presented to demonstrate the merits of the method.