1st January 1885

From the 1885-1886 Annual.

Dyke played Rothes in a District Medal match ( 2 rinks of 4 men aside) on 'true but dull' ice on the Black Loch ( Darnaway). The result was a win for Dyke, 26 shots to 9.

24th July 1885

The 1885-1886 Annual records that at the Annual Meeting of representatives of the RCCC held in the Bold Arms Hotel, Southport, on July 24th, Auldearn was admitted to membership.

This copy of the entry in the 1885-1886 'Annual' shows that Caithness Brodie of Druim and George Fiddes of Drumduan recruited over 20 members into Auldearn. As well as four previous members of Dyke, there was a number of townspeople from Nairn.

The ordinance survey map of 1906 shows the exact site of the Auldearn curling pond at Boghole and was only a short distance from Auldearn station.

This was an important factor for curlers coming out from Nairn, as recounted by George Fiddes at a dinner given in his honour in 1901. A modern satellite photograph shows the outline of the pond which tended to dry up in the summer.

Maps reproduced with the permission of The National Library of Scotland [ http://maps.nls.uk ]