14th January 1930

21st January 1930

Curling at Lodgehill, circa 1930

4th February 1930

11th February 1930

18th February 1930

25th February 1930

May 1930

Saw the death of Sir Wm. Gordon-Cumming of Altyre.

August 1930

James Elder Pottie, an enthusiastic Club member, died.

Nairn at Achnatone

Left: Two Nairn Curling Club rinks, believed to have been photographed at Achnatone in 1930. Below: On the ice at Achnatone

30th October 1930

16th December 1930

At long last the Moray & Nairn Curling Association met and began making preparations for the next bonspiel

23rd December 1930