Nairnshire Curling Association Dinner and Ball.

This was held early in 1949.

At the NCA AGM in November 1949 it was reported that the sum of £44. 9/6 had been raised.

The copy of the Dance Programme gives a flavour of how things were done in 1949.

13th March 1949 and 3rd June 1949 Ponds Committee

Resurfacing of the ponds considered. A Mr A Stevenson had agreed to dig a test hole, but “due to circumstances” hadn't. He then offered to supervise the resurfacing of one pond by a sub-contractor with materials supplied by his firm.

10th June 1949 Management Committee

After discussing the ponds, the committee agreed to "place the full position before the Club".

24th June 1949 Annual General Meeting (42nd)

Office-bearers were elected:

President: Dr J Innes Watson; Vice-president: H J Munn; Chaplain: Rev A Gemmel; Icemaster: T Walls; Secretary/Treasurer: C W Caple Wookey.

The death of Past president James Lamb was noted..

The membership numbered 83 and the bank balance was £330-17/1.

A lack of frost over the previous winter meant only 7 days curling had been available.

The members agreed to the east pond being resurfaced at a cost not exceeding approx. £300 .

The resurfacing of the ponds was to trouble the Club over the next two years.

The diagram shows the East and West ponds, each pond comprising two rinks.

21st Oct 1949 Management Committee

A dance to be organised on 13th January 1950, and a dinner on 17th February 1950. Tom walls was to appoint committees and make arrangements.