The problem of intra-state displacement 

Intra-state displacement (ISD) is migration of peoples from one place a country to other place of the country due to ethinic conflict, exploitation, unemployment, violation of human rights resulting in fear, persecution, human sufferings and suppressive & forced regime.  The intra-state displacement is minimum in developed countries while it is maximum in african country.  Armed struggle between two or more armed groups/ethinic groups for power results in civil war and citizens suffer maximum. African, sub-saharan countries, Iraq, Afganistan, Syria and Yaman are that countrites where intra-state displacement is maximum due to ethnic conflicts and religeous persecution.   Intra-state displacement creates high influx of refugees in neighbouring countries.  It leads to insecurity in neighbouring countries and they uses forces and strict rules to control the migration. It creates tension in international relations on human rights ground.  In recent years, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and other developed countries are facing severe influx of  African and South–Asian migrants.  The mixture of religion, ethinicity and creed fuels the problems due to intra-state displacement.  The migrantion changes the demography of the new place and it lead to voilent conflict between natives and migrants in distibution of resources and public utilities.  Women and children are most sufferer of malnuritrition, sexual abuse, prostitution, hampering of education & health, abduction, torture and rape etc.  Urban societies face overcrowding and lack of resources & civil utilites due to high migration.