Primary Education in India
A child, upto age of 14 years, is like a white canvass on which color of any choice can be filled. Their mind is empty and highly adoptive. They acquire what they see in their surroundings and it is very crucial that their mind is filled with knowledge and ideas. They should teach about morality, civics, social responsibilities and may be upto an extent, religion. The primary section of our academic scenario has largest share of these children and it is vested responsibility of primary teachers that they should nurse them very cautiously and carefully. Primary teaching is very respectable job. Recently, the standards of government owned primary schools have been deteriorated due to lack of will and progressive policies. Before, 1990s, the primary schools were supposed to be best among the all primary schools including privately owned, convents and missionaries. Primary teachers were respected in the society. Then, why are they not supposed good today? and teachers are not respected. This is due to politico-economic reasons.
1. Since eighties of the 20th century, the influentials, criminals and dons entered into the politics and their main objectives was to earn money and muscle power rather than serve society. They interfere into the academics too and they open schools and altered policies in favour of private schools rather than maintaining the edge of the government owned schools.
2. The leaders of teacher's association started rallying teachers for their monetary gains. There is no provision of firing of employee if he/she found guilty or he/she is absconding from his/her duties. There is prevailing proverb among the government employees that, "why do work if salary is full?".
3. The regional political parties exploited education for their political gain. They appointed non-qualified peoples as primary teachers. A fifth of all elementary school teachers in the country do not have the requisite qualifications to teach young children.
4. Primary teachers are engaged in non-teaching substantive jobs rather than in their core teaching job. Sometimes 180 days teaching criteria is not fulfilled in a single academic year.
5. There is general perception among the masses that, primary teachers are not teach students a little fraction of what they are paid (salary 36000/- per month)?
6. The academic record/knowledge of primary students is very poor. Banking method of teaching is just making them rotten apple. Even, a class 5 student can not read English book of his previous class fluently.
7. The selection process of primary teachers is worst among the states. They are appointed like a compassionate job rather than by means of fair competitions.
8. Higher education in our universities had lowest index among all the Nations. 90% graduates are not fit for teaching jobs. Then whom we select as primary teacher are not meritorious students.
These are tentative list. There are several other reasons which had deteriorated the standards of primary education.