IGNOU Extended Contact Program (ECP) PGDHE 28 May - 06 Jun 19, Dehradun RC
Avenger Asssembled (Day 1)
On the first day, i.e. 28 May 2019, seven learners (1) Ms Pooja Prakash, (2) Shri Gaurav Joshi, (3) Ms Poonam Rani, (4) Ms Riya Sharma (the Counsellor), (5) Ms Purnima Negi, (6) Shri Arun Kumar and (7) Dr. Koshal Bagelu reported at IGNOU Regional Center, Dehradun to attend the Extended Contact Program (ECP, MES-106) that is essential for completion of the Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education. All the learners were welcomed by Assistant Regional Director, Dr. Jagdamba Prasad & Course Coordinator Dr. Daljeet Kaur, former principal of Dayanand Women’s Training College and Patrician College for Women, Dehradun.
There were four sessions each day, (i) 0900 Hrs to 1030 Hrs, (ii) 1030 Hr to 1155 Hrs, (iii) 1205 Hrs to 1330Hrs and (iv) 1135 Hrs to 1500 Hrs (Six hours duration for 10 days). First day, Dr. Kaur introduced about ECP program and benefits of PGDHE in first session. In second session, She gave lecture on Professions, characteristics of Teaching as Profession and its importance in comparison to other professions. Afternoon, she gave lecture on Management and Structure in Higher Education. Later, she gave an enriched oration on topic of Teacher as a Counselor-Guidance and counseling needs of young adults. In this session, Assistant Regional Director also guided to learner about the writing of synopsis of their projects (MES-105).
Teaching Methods (Day 2)
Second day, Mrs (Dr.) Poonam Sharma, gave a lecture on topic learning, learning type and factors affecting the learning. Lecture was based on cognitive, affective and psycho-motor learnings, and it was well designed and explained. Second session was based on individual activity session, in which learners has to be identify the factors which influences the learning process of a learner. Home assignment was given to write a beautiful answer on those factors who affects the learning process of a learner and it was to be submitted on the next day. In second session, Dr. Kaur arrange a beautiful discussion session on the topic Aims of Higher Education. In this discussion session, each learner has to be identify aims and discuss its basic needs and requirements. In third session, the evolution of education in India since independence to till date was discussed, and how educational patterns changes with time was also discussed. In fourth session, we were taught about the interaction, nature of interaction, tasks etc.
Psychology & Teaching (Day 3)
On third day, Dr. Ritu Sinha, discussed about the project work, how to write good synopsis and design the project. All the topics of good thesis writing were discussed from beginning to last. Sampling methods, how to sample data, how data should analyse etc were taught. It was one of the most interactive topics of the day. Hypothesis, its types, Tools of Research were elaborated. In third session, Dr. Kaur put light on the characteristics of good counselor. Each & every dimension of counseling was discussed and demonstrated with examples. Session four was real counseling session in which a pair of counselor and counselee was formed and counselor had to solve the problem of counselee. After real counseling, prons & cons of lecturing method were discussed.
Course Design (Day 4)
Dr. Mamta Sharma was the guest teacher on this day. She discussed on MES-104, about the course Design. She guide us about the syllabus, goal of course, curriculum, whom and how to teach, requirements of course and organization of course was discussed. The evaluation method, its need and how to evaluate a learner was discussed. Individual activity of constructing of one course module was given to learners. Based on the self constructed module, an evaluation paper was asked to write. The progress of individual activities were constantly monitored by the counselors. In afternoon, Dr. Reena Uniyal Tiwari narrated the basics of course design based on the characteristics of learners, i.e. cognitive, affective and psycho-motor capabilities.
Evaluation Methods(Day 5 & Day 6)
Day five was continuation of the course design module. Each and every aspects of course design, designing of good question paper, its evaluation, assessment of learner's learnings, achievement tools, quality of test paper, types of questions, blue print, tables of goods paper design were discussed and spot assignments were also given to write.
Question Answer – Home Assignment 01 Jun 2019
Reason of Climate Change:
Climate is defined as the average state of everyday's weather condition over a period of 30 years. The climate varies from time to time and place to place. It depends on the local geographical and environmental conditions. Since industrial revolution, natural resources like forest, coal, cruide oils are so exploited that the natural balance is disturbed.
High rate of industrial activities, exploitation of underground resources like water, ores, coals etc., huge constructions like buildings, rising cities etc, green house gases, low vegetation, rising population, decreasing eco diversity are main reasons of climate change.
Deterioration of Human Values:
Basic human values are those values which are at the core of being human. These values truth, honesty, loyalty, love, peace, etc. These values are nurished by family care, societies' response, politico-social environament, educational advancement etc.
In globalisation, consumarism rose above the human values where materialistic benefits are placed above the human values. People uses relations, family and values for their economic gains. Poor education, concept of nuclear family, isolation, ignorance to society are the main cause of deterioration of human values.
Lecturing (Day 7)
The real class demonstration for learners was organised to deliver a lecture understanding the learner's capacitance and their need which was learned in previous classes. Mr Gaurav deliver a lecture on Basic Computer, Ms Purnima Negi gave lecture on Economics (GST), Dr Koshal delivers a lecutre on zoology (Bio Diversity), Ms Riya Sharma deliver a lecture on Economics (Inflation), Ms Pooja gave lecture on Education (Action Research), Ms Poonam gave lecture in Education (Sampling of Data for Research Work) and Mr. Arun Kumar in Calculus (First order Difference).
Visit to Institution – Tour Report on 04 Jun 2019 (Day 8)
As per our schedule of Extended Contact Program of Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education, on eighth day, we visited Patrician College of Women at Dehradun. The college is situated at about one mile away from Clock Tower in Rajpur Road. It is sister institution of the St. Joseph Academy managed by well educated administrators. One unique things of the college was discipline and it was reflecting when we were asked to reach lecture room by 1130 hours instructing that, “1130 means 1130”.
Our batch has seven students, who reach the college at 0930 hours.. Our guide/conveyor Mrs (Dr.) Daljeet Kaur, arranged the visit and introduced us with Governor and Principal of the College, Dr. Sebastian Paul.
First we all visit the college rooms, library, culture and dance room, auditorium, lecture room and theater. The college building is attractive, space is beautifully designed and utilised. Everything is well managed.
After short introduction with Principal, we move to lecture room at 1130 hours where lecture on “Problems of Young Adults' was delivered by the Principal of the college. The lecture includes, introduction about young adults, their psychological, socio-conomic, and identity problems. Several issues related to young adults like, unemployment, drug addiction, frustration were discussed. The lecture also delivers, how can we tackle these problems as an educator? How could we have to connect to young students so that their full potential may be brought out. Lecture ended with question-answer and vote of thanks.
At 1300 hours our visit was completed and we all returned to our home saying goodbye.
Finance & Management (Day 9)
Sh. Bipin Chauhan, from Azim Premji Foundation visited the IGNOU RC, Dehradun. He put light on the elementary educational research, its effectiveness, evolution, development and upgradation. He emphasis on the constant upgrade in the teacher's competence of learning, effective course design and its implimentation in school & colleges. Afternoon, Dr. SS Sahani, Principal and former Dy Director, Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) gave lecture on financing of higher education and its constraint aspects. He deeply elaborated about the financial restrains on higher education. His views were visionary and have great impact.
Good Bye (Day 10)
Shri P C Kimothi, Principal from DIET Dehradun, gave lecture on the special education for special students. He let us knew about the essential requirements/needs of impaired students and how we have to interact them while teaching them. His aim was focused on the training of teachers dealing with impaired students alongwith normal students. His lecture includes historical background, improvements in education of impaired students and how we should encourage them in their mainstream education.
At afternoon, Dr. Asha Sharma, the Regional Director, IGNOU, RC Dehradun gave closing lecture/remarks on Education in our country. Her lecture was useful, impressive and valuable. After her lecture, the learners submit their feedback about program and discuss the pros and cons of the program with Assistant Regional Director, Dr. Jagdamba Prasad. At the end of the program,t course completion certificates were awarded to the learners and we leave for our home with vote of thanks.
From Left to Right, (1) Ms Pooja Prakash, (2) Shri Gaurav Joshi, (3) Ms Poonam Rani, (4) Ms Riya Sharma (the Counsellor), (5) Ms Purnima Negi, (6) Shri Arun Kumar, (7) Dr. Koshal Bagelu.