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Arun Umrao
How Learn C Programming in Better Way
How Learn C++/CPP Programming in Better Way
ASM in C Programming - download free book pdf
Learn ForTran Programming in Better Way
Java Programming
Embedded System
8051 Micro Controller Notes PDF for B. Tech.
8085 Micro Processor Notes PDF B. Tech.
8086 Micro Processor
Basic Integration Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Calculus Derivative Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pd
Complex Analysis Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Definite Integral Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Function Analysis Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Integral Application Notes CBSE Class XII by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Limit & Continuity Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Maxima & Minima Notes CBSE Class XII Students Download pdf
Angular Motion Notes CBSE Class 12 Students by Arun Umrao Download Free pdf
Circular Motion Notes CBSE Class 12 Students Arun Umrao Download Free pdf
Electric Field Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Error Measurement Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Force Application & Principles Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao
Floating Objects
Linear Motion Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Physics Dictionary Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Work Energy Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao
Mechancial Wave Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Units Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Numerical Programming
Maixam CAS Download Free Software Notes Book for Engineers pdf
GNU Octave Download Free Software Notes Book for Engineers pdf
Open Modelica Notes by Arun Umrao pdf
Scilab - Download Free Scilab Software Notes Book for Engineers pdf
XCos - Download Free Scilab XCos Notes Book for Engineers pdf
My Writing
BJP's Win in 2019 General Election
Hindi Pakhawara
My School
Sali Khasamkhas
Shikshaa hi naam hai usaka?
Why Primary Education is Worst in India
१०० करोड़ की फिल्म
ऐसा क्यू???
कलुआ की अत्मा
गरीबी और एक मिथक
फिर वही ब्रूट्स
टोपी में छेद
तीन पत्थर
बहला फुसलाकर
ब्लैक लाइव मैटर
नैतिकता गर्त मे जाने वाली है
प्रेम कि शर्त
ये मै तो नही?
स्म्रतिशेष - "बिआव"
संस्क्रत और मुस्लिम
यूपी के मंत्री
शब्दो में बहुत कुछ है
Short Notes
Explain Demand Analysis.
What is Cross Elasticity of Demand & Supply in Economics?
Consumer's Surplus
Clarify the difference between Public Administration and Private Administra
Describe the functions performed by Public Service Commission.
Discuss the functions as performed by the Central Vigilance Commission.
Discuss the trend of Labour migration
Define Deadweight Loss. How it is measured?
Define Inflation. Classify it. Types of inflation.
Brief on the trade union movement in India in today's Market economy system
Discuss the marginal productivity theory of wages.
Debt management
Dictionary of Economics
Direct Credit Program
What is Double Taxation? How does it affect Economy?
Edgeworth Box
Elasticity of demand by calculus method
Economies of Scale - a short note
Externalities & Their Effects in Economy
What is Engel Curve? Define It.
Fiscal-Reform in India
Function of Central Bank
Fertility & Its Various Measurements
Foreign Exchange Reserves & Its Categories
Free Rider's Problem
Fertility Rate and Kinds of their measurements
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATT)
Hyper Depreciating Assets
Immiserzing Growth
Indirect Tax in India
Inflationary gap vs deflationary gap
Intellectual Property Rights - IPR
International Monetory Fund (IMF)
Inflationary Gap
Is public debt burden?
Law of Diminishing Demand
Limitations in measurement of National Income
List of Committees Constitute for Economics of India
M1, M2, M3 and L - Money Supply
Meaning, nature and subject matter of Public Finance
Meaning, Scope and Importance of Public Administration.
Nominal Price vs Real Price
Obstacle in Administrative Reform in India
Opportunity cost of a Building Owner
Ordinal Theory
Perfect & Imperfect Competitions & Condition for Equilibrium
Public Expenditure in Welfare State
Policies of budgetary deficits in India
Ricoridian Theory of Rent?
Subsidy & Domestic LPG
Sources of Public Finance
Three Types of Unemployment
Taxable Capacity.
What are the benefits of Public Corporations?
Why the supply curve of Labour in backword sloping? Explain
What is Max Weber’s theory of Bureaucracy?
What is indifference curve?
What are functions of Financial Regulators? Explain Briefly.
What is 'Price Discrimination'?
What is Demand Curve? Explain graphically.
What is a 'Duopoly'?
World Bank - Banker of Governments
Wage-Goods-Model by Brahmanand
Categories of Wages
What is 'Cross Elasticity of Demand'
What are minimum wage fair wage and living wage? Explain
What is Law of Demand? What are the factors that influence Demand.
Higher Education
Structure of higher education
Autonomy and Accountability
Development in Instruction Levels in Higher Education
Classroom Climate
Effective Management of HR in Higher Education
Concerns of Youth
Professional Relationship B/w Teacher & Students
Constituents of Personality
How Prepare Question Paper
Unit Plan of Subject
Concept of Teacher Competence
Globalization & Its impact on Higher Education
Teachers' Organisations
Components of Teaching Profession & Code of Ethics
IGNOU Extended Contact Program (ECP) PGDHE 28 May - 06 Jun 19, Dehradun RC
Derivative for Increasing & Decreasing Functions
Arc Length vs Horizontal Width
Volume by Function Revolution
Axis of Rotation
Center of Mass - by different methods
Dipole Moment
Electromotive Force Graph & Numerical Explanation
Energy of Rotating Objects - Angular Motion
Error by Calculus
Error by Calculus
Force & Their Directions
Linear Motion - Principle & Its Applications
Newton's Law of Motion
Principle of Force and Its Applications
Rolling Objects - Angular Motion
Sum of Vectors
Stability in Inclined Plane
Political Science
Bring out the distinct features of state as it evolved in Africa.
Critically analyze the determinants of electoral behaviour.
Discuss the principal features of state politics in India since the 1980s.
Economic liberalization
Green Revolution
Social movements
Sustainable developments
Write an essay on fragmentation of party system in India.
Explain Jyotiba Phule as a social revolutionary.
Economic impact of European colonialism on Africa.
Examine the factors contributing to the rise of military and authoritarian
Examine the challenge posed by ethnic politics to nation building efforts i
Patterns of Colonialism in Africa.
Political Impact of colonialism on Africa
Factors contributing to pluralist regimes in Africa.
Write a note on social reform in 19th century India.
What were Swami Vivekananda's views on social change? Elaborate.
Jawaharlal Nehru's views on culture
Nehru on parliamentary democracy
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's ideological orientation
Evolution of communist movement in India
India's relations with SAARC countries
India's Relation With East Asian Nations (ASEAN and Pacific Region)
Discuss the significance of Western Political Thought.
Discuss the philosophical foundations Plato's political theory.
Write a note on Aristotle's works.
Rousseau's critique of civil society
Edmund Burke's critique of the French revolution
Immanuel Kant on transcendent idealist view of human reason
Jeremy Bentham's political philosophy
Plantation economies of Guyana and Trinidad evolved as segmented societies
Duties and Rights
Rise of liberalism
Briefly explain how religion interacts with politics at the national and lo
Plantation economy in Cuba
Features of the Cuban revolution.
Peasant and the land rights movements in Latin America.
Military regime in Brazil
Latin America and India relations.
India's Relation with Latin America Countries
New regionalism in Latin America.
Examine the major trends in India-Africa relations since the 1960s.
Comment on India's approach to multilateral disarmament
Characteristics of South Asian regional state system.
India's Look East policy.
Indo-US relations in the new millennium.
Economic and security factors in India-West Asia relations.
India's approach towards disarmament.
Nehru's Non-alignment policy.
Examine the major trends in India-Africa relations since the 1960s.
Comment on India's approach to multilateral disarmament
Characteristics of South Asian regional state system.
India's Look East policy.
Indo-US relations in the new millennium.
Economic and security factors in India-West Asia relations.
India's approach towards disarmament.
Nehru's Non-alignment policy.
Discuss Hegel's notion of civil society.
Examine the role and relevance of civil society in South Asia.
Explain the evolution and types of peace movements in India.
Empowerment of women and capacity building
Relationship between state and civil society
Anti-Nuclear protest movements
Organisations working for global peace
Examine Gandhi's critique of industrialisation.
Explain Gandhi's views on the State and Swaraj.
Gandhi's concept of economic, racial and caste equality
Role of authority in anarchist society
Gandhi's non-violent struggle against colonialism
Gandhi's views on Liberalism and Constitutionalism
Gandhi's views on structural violence
Satyagraha as a tool of conflict resolution
What is civil society? Analyse the main trends in the relationship between
Briefly describe the liberal humanitarian approach to nationalism.
Milestones in the evolution of Human rights
Socialist perspectives on human rights
Nature of anti-colonial struggles in South–East Asia
Characteristics of military regimes
State building and nation building
The US model of Constitutionalism
The idea of planning
The Rajya Sabha
Discuss the significance of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment in Indian dem
Write an essay on the Tebhaga Movement.
Working of the federal system in India
Caste in Indian democracy
Sustainable Development
Panchayati Raj System in India
Examine the changing dimensions of security and highlight the international
Critically examine the features and importance of the neo-liberal approach
Core assumptions of the Center-Periphery model of underdevelopment
NGOs and social movements
The problem of intra-state displacement
State response to indigenous movements
Role of middle powers in the post–Cold War period
Human security agenda
Examine the nature of political theory.
Discuss the challenges to sovereignty in the age of globalisation.
Critical evaluation of liberalism
Karl Marx on surplus value
Core characteristics of Conservatism
Fundamentalist Mindset
Radical Feminists
Nature and Extent of Unemployment in India
Pay, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament
Caste in Indian Democracy
Definition of Family Dependent
8051 Programming
C Programming
C Problem for Vowel
Address as Function Argument/Parameter
Pointer as Function Argument/Parameter
C Problem for Array of Multiple Data Type
C Extract Whole Part from Fractions
C Problem for Triangle
C Overspeed Problem
C Problem for Time Difference
Union as status parameter in C
Variable Update from Config File in C
Literal Programming
Numerical Programming
Cauchy's Integral over Curve & Line-Mathematically Explained by Arun Umrao
DASSL-Differential Algebraic System Solver - Maths behind dassl function
GNU-Octave GUI Controls Linking & Communication
How read a formated numerical data from a file in Scila Xcos FREAD_f block?
Scilab_GetVar() Function of Scilab API with Example
Singular Value Decomposition (svd) - Scilab - Mathematically Explained
What is Scilab Xcos CMAT3D viewer block. How is it work? Explain.
What is Scilab Xcos CMATVIEW viewer block. How is it work? Explain.
What is WRITEC_f Block in Scilab Scicos Xcos? How it works?
Class 03
Hindi for Class III
English for Class III
Maths for Class III
Class 04
Hindi for Class IV
English for Class IV
Maths for Class IV
GK for Class IV
Class 05
Hindi for Class V
English for Class V
Maths for Class V
Computer for Class V
GK For Class V
Class 06
Social Science
Pact with Sun
Honey Suckle
Dog's Family Tree Class 6 NCERT
Class 07
Social Science
Class 08
Class 09
Class 10
Class 11
Class 12
Application of Derivative In Area
Who is successful?
Numerical Programming
Definitions Related to Error & Measurements
Why error in science are always positive not negative
Lecture Videos
Online Quiz
Quad Eqn 01
Quad Eqn 02
Inequality 01
Calculus Derivative
Calculus Integral
Complex Numbers
z 01
z 02
Function, Limit & Continuity
Limit 1
Limit 2
Limit 3
Function 1
Function 2
Function 3
Circle 01
Maxima Minima
Max Min 01
Trigonometry 01
Trigonometry 02
Trigonometry 03
Trigonometry 04
Units & Errors
Errors 01
Errors 02
Measurement 01
Units 01
Work & Energy
Heating 01
Units of Energy 01
Type of Energies 01
Type of Energies 02
C Programming
C 01
C 02
C 03
C 04
C 05
C 06
C 07
C++ Programming
C++ 01
C++ 02
Embedded Programming
Java Programming
Java 00
Java 01
Java 02
Java 03
Java 04
Java 05
Java 06
Java 07
Java 08
Java 09
Java 10
Java 11
Java 12
Java 13
Java 14
Numerical Programming
Scilab 01
Scilab 02
Scilab 03
Scilab 04
Scilab 05
Scilab 06
Scilab 07
Scilab 08
Scilab 09
Scilab 10
Scilab 11
Scilab 12
Scilab 13
Scilab 14
Scilab 15
Scilab 16
Scilab 17
Scilab 18
Scilab 19
Scilab 20
xcos 01
Devnagari Kruti-Font Preprocessor for LaTeX
About Me
Social Contributions
Academic Reports
ECE AMIE Project
PGDHE Dissertation
CTPM Project
Arun Umrao
How Learn C Programming in Better Way
How Learn C++/CPP Programming in Better Way
ASM in C Programming - download free book pdf
Learn ForTran Programming in Better Way
Java Programming
Embedded System
8051 Micro Controller Notes PDF for B. Tech.
8085 Micro Processor Notes PDF B. Tech.
8086 Micro Processor
Basic Integration Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Calculus Derivative Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pd
Complex Analysis Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Definite Integral Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Function Analysis Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Integral Application Notes CBSE Class XII by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Limit & Continuity Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Maxima & Minima Notes CBSE Class XII Students Download pdf
Angular Motion Notes CBSE Class 12 Students by Arun Umrao Download Free pdf
Circular Motion Notes CBSE Class 12 Students Arun Umrao Download Free pdf
Electric Field Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Error Measurement Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Force Application & Principles Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao
Floating Objects
Linear Motion Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Physics Dictionary Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Work Energy Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao
Mechancial Wave Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Units Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Numerical Programming
Maixam CAS Download Free Software Notes Book for Engineers pdf
GNU Octave Download Free Software Notes Book for Engineers pdf
Open Modelica Notes by Arun Umrao pdf
Scilab - Download Free Scilab Software Notes Book for Engineers pdf
XCos - Download Free Scilab XCos Notes Book for Engineers pdf
My Writing
BJP's Win in 2019 General Election
Hindi Pakhawara
My School
Sali Khasamkhas
Shikshaa hi naam hai usaka?
Why Primary Education is Worst in India
१०० करोड़ की फिल्म
ऐसा क्यू???
कलुआ की अत्मा
गरीबी और एक मिथक
फिर वही ब्रूट्स
टोपी में छेद
तीन पत्थर
बहला फुसलाकर
ब्लैक लाइव मैटर
नैतिकता गर्त मे जाने वाली है
प्रेम कि शर्त
ये मै तो नही?
स्म्रतिशेष - "बिआव"
संस्क्रत और मुस्लिम
यूपी के मंत्री
शब्दो में बहुत कुछ है
Short Notes
Explain Demand Analysis.
What is Cross Elasticity of Demand & Supply in Economics?
Consumer's Surplus
Clarify the difference between Public Administration and Private Administra
Describe the functions performed by Public Service Commission.
Discuss the functions as performed by the Central Vigilance Commission.
Discuss the trend of Labour migration
Define Deadweight Loss. How it is measured?
Define Inflation. Classify it. Types of inflation.
Brief on the trade union movement in India in today's Market economy system
Discuss the marginal productivity theory of wages.
Debt management
Dictionary of Economics
Direct Credit Program
What is Double Taxation? How does it affect Economy?
Edgeworth Box
Elasticity of demand by calculus method
Economies of Scale - a short note
Externalities & Their Effects in Economy
What is Engel Curve? Define It.
Fiscal-Reform in India
Function of Central Bank
Fertility & Its Various Measurements
Foreign Exchange Reserves & Its Categories
Free Rider's Problem
Fertility Rate and Kinds of their measurements
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATT)
Hyper Depreciating Assets
Immiserzing Growth
Indirect Tax in India
Inflationary gap vs deflationary gap
Intellectual Property Rights - IPR
International Monetory Fund (IMF)
Inflationary Gap
Is public debt burden?
Law of Diminishing Demand
Limitations in measurement of National Income
List of Committees Constitute for Economics of India
M1, M2, M3 and L - Money Supply
Meaning, nature and subject matter of Public Finance
Meaning, Scope and Importance of Public Administration.
Nominal Price vs Real Price
Obstacle in Administrative Reform in India
Opportunity cost of a Building Owner
Ordinal Theory
Perfect & Imperfect Competitions & Condition for Equilibrium
Public Expenditure in Welfare State
Policies of budgetary deficits in India
Ricoridian Theory of Rent?
Subsidy & Domestic LPG
Sources of Public Finance
Three Types of Unemployment
Taxable Capacity.
What are the benefits of Public Corporations?
Why the supply curve of Labour in backword sloping? Explain
What is Max Weber’s theory of Bureaucracy?
What is indifference curve?
What are functions of Financial Regulators? Explain Briefly.
What is 'Price Discrimination'?
What is Demand Curve? Explain graphically.
What is a 'Duopoly'?
World Bank - Banker of Governments
Wage-Goods-Model by Brahmanand
Categories of Wages
What is 'Cross Elasticity of Demand'
What are minimum wage fair wage and living wage? Explain
What is Law of Demand? What are the factors that influence Demand.
Higher Education
Structure of higher education
Autonomy and Accountability
Development in Instruction Levels in Higher Education
Classroom Climate
Effective Management of HR in Higher Education
Concerns of Youth
Professional Relationship B/w Teacher & Students
Constituents of Personality
How Prepare Question Paper
Unit Plan of Subject
Concept of Teacher Competence
Globalization & Its impact on Higher Education
Teachers' Organisations
Components of Teaching Profession & Code of Ethics
IGNOU Extended Contact Program (ECP) PGDHE 28 May - 06 Jun 19, Dehradun RC
Derivative for Increasing & Decreasing Functions
Arc Length vs Horizontal Width
Volume by Function Revolution
Axis of Rotation
Center of Mass - by different methods
Dipole Moment
Electromotive Force Graph & Numerical Explanation
Energy of Rotating Objects - Angular Motion
Error by Calculus
Error by Calculus
Force & Their Directions
Linear Motion - Principle & Its Applications
Newton's Law of Motion
Principle of Force and Its Applications
Rolling Objects - Angular Motion
Sum of Vectors
Stability in Inclined Plane
Political Science
Bring out the distinct features of state as it evolved in Africa.
Critically analyze the determinants of electoral behaviour.
Discuss the principal features of state politics in India since the 1980s.
Economic liberalization
Green Revolution
Social movements
Sustainable developments
Write an essay on fragmentation of party system in India.
Explain Jyotiba Phule as a social revolutionary.
Economic impact of European colonialism on Africa.
Examine the factors contributing to the rise of military and authoritarian
Examine the challenge posed by ethnic politics to nation building efforts i
Patterns of Colonialism in Africa.
Political Impact of colonialism on Africa
Factors contributing to pluralist regimes in Africa.
Write a note on social reform in 19th century India.
What were Swami Vivekananda's views on social change? Elaborate.
Jawaharlal Nehru's views on culture
Nehru on parliamentary democracy
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's ideological orientation
Evolution of communist movement in India
India's relations with SAARC countries
India's Relation With East Asian Nations (ASEAN and Pacific Region)
Discuss the significance of Western Political Thought.
Discuss the philosophical foundations Plato's political theory.
Write a note on Aristotle's works.
Rousseau's critique of civil society
Edmund Burke's critique of the French revolution
Immanuel Kant on transcendent idealist view of human reason
Jeremy Bentham's political philosophy
Plantation economies of Guyana and Trinidad evolved as segmented societies
Duties and Rights
Rise of liberalism
Briefly explain how religion interacts with politics at the national and lo
Plantation economy in Cuba
Features of the Cuban revolution.
Peasant and the land rights movements in Latin America.
Military regime in Brazil
Latin America and India relations.
India's Relation with Latin America Countries
New regionalism in Latin America.
Examine the major trends in India-Africa relations since the 1960s.
Comment on India's approach to multilateral disarmament
Characteristics of South Asian regional state system.
India's Look East policy.
Indo-US relations in the new millennium.
Economic and security factors in India-West Asia relations.
India's approach towards disarmament.
Nehru's Non-alignment policy.
Examine the major trends in India-Africa relations since the 1960s.
Comment on India's approach to multilateral disarmament
Characteristics of South Asian regional state system.
India's Look East policy.
Indo-US relations in the new millennium.
Economic and security factors in India-West Asia relations.
India's approach towards disarmament.
Nehru's Non-alignment policy.
Discuss Hegel's notion of civil society.
Examine the role and relevance of civil society in South Asia.
Explain the evolution and types of peace movements in India.
Empowerment of women and capacity building
Relationship between state and civil society
Anti-Nuclear protest movements
Organisations working for global peace
Examine Gandhi's critique of industrialisation.
Explain Gandhi's views on the State and Swaraj.
Gandhi's concept of economic, racial and caste equality
Role of authority in anarchist society
Gandhi's non-violent struggle against colonialism
Gandhi's views on Liberalism and Constitutionalism
Gandhi's views on structural violence
Satyagraha as a tool of conflict resolution
What is civil society? Analyse the main trends in the relationship between
Briefly describe the liberal humanitarian approach to nationalism.
Milestones in the evolution of Human rights
Socialist perspectives on human rights
Nature of anti-colonial struggles in South–East Asia
Characteristics of military regimes
State building and nation building
The US model of Constitutionalism
The idea of planning
The Rajya Sabha
Discuss the significance of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment in Indian dem
Write an essay on the Tebhaga Movement.
Working of the federal system in India
Caste in Indian democracy
Sustainable Development
Panchayati Raj System in India
Examine the changing dimensions of security and highlight the international
Critically examine the features and importance of the neo-liberal approach
Core assumptions of the Center-Periphery model of underdevelopment
NGOs and social movements
The problem of intra-state displacement
State response to indigenous movements
Role of middle powers in the post–Cold War period
Human security agenda
Examine the nature of political theory.
Discuss the challenges to sovereignty in the age of globalisation.
Critical evaluation of liberalism
Karl Marx on surplus value
Core characteristics of Conservatism
Fundamentalist Mindset
Radical Feminists
Nature and Extent of Unemployment in India
Pay, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament
Caste in Indian Democracy
Definition of Family Dependent
8051 Programming
C Programming
C Problem for Vowel
Address as Function Argument/Parameter
Pointer as Function Argument/Parameter
C Problem for Array of Multiple Data Type
C Extract Whole Part from Fractions
C Problem for Triangle
C Overspeed Problem
C Problem for Time Difference
Union as status parameter in C
Variable Update from Config File in C
Literal Programming
Numerical Programming
Cauchy's Integral over Curve & Line-Mathematically Explained by Arun Umrao
DASSL-Differential Algebraic System Solver - Maths behind dassl function
GNU-Octave GUI Controls Linking & Communication
How read a formated numerical data from a file in Scila Xcos FREAD_f block?
Scilab_GetVar() Function of Scilab API with Example
Singular Value Decomposition (svd) - Scilab - Mathematically Explained
What is Scilab Xcos CMAT3D viewer block. How is it work? Explain.
What is Scilab Xcos CMATVIEW viewer block. How is it work? Explain.
What is WRITEC_f Block in Scilab Scicos Xcos? How it works?
Class 03
Hindi for Class III
English for Class III
Maths for Class III
Class 04
Hindi for Class IV
English for Class IV
Maths for Class IV
GK for Class IV
Class 05
Hindi for Class V
English for Class V
Maths for Class V
Computer for Class V
GK For Class V
Class 06
Social Science
Pact with Sun
Honey Suckle
Dog's Family Tree Class 6 NCERT
Class 07
Social Science
Class 08
Class 09
Class 10
Class 11
Class 12
Application of Derivative In Area
Who is successful?
Numerical Programming
Definitions Related to Error & Measurements
Why error in science are always positive not negative
Lecture Videos
Online Quiz
Quad Eqn 01
Quad Eqn 02
Inequality 01
Calculus Derivative
Calculus Integral
Complex Numbers
z 01
z 02
Function, Limit & Continuity
Limit 1
Limit 2
Limit 3
Function 1
Function 2
Function 3
Circle 01
Maxima Minima
Max Min 01
Trigonometry 01
Trigonometry 02
Trigonometry 03
Trigonometry 04
Units & Errors
Errors 01
Errors 02
Measurement 01
Units 01
Work & Energy
Heating 01
Units of Energy 01
Type of Energies 01
Type of Energies 02
C Programming
C 01
C 02
C 03
C 04
C 05
C 06
C 07
C++ Programming
C++ 01
C++ 02
Embedded Programming
Java Programming
Java 00
Java 01
Java 02
Java 03
Java 04
Java 05
Java 06
Java 07
Java 08
Java 09
Java 10
Java 11
Java 12
Java 13
Java 14
Numerical Programming
Scilab 01
Scilab 02
Scilab 03
Scilab 04
Scilab 05
Scilab 06
Scilab 07
Scilab 08
Scilab 09
Scilab 10
Scilab 11
Scilab 12
Scilab 13
Scilab 14
Scilab 15
Scilab 16
Scilab 17
Scilab 18
Scilab 19
Scilab 20
xcos 01
Devnagari Kruti-Font Preprocessor for LaTeX
About Me
Social Contributions
Academic Reports
ECE AMIE Project
PGDHE Dissertation
CTPM Project
How Learn C Programming in Better Way
How Learn C++/CPP Programming in Better Way
ASM in C Programming - download free book pdf
Learn ForTran Programming in Better Way
Java Programming
Embedded System
8051 Micro Controller Notes PDF for B. Tech.
8085 Micro Processor Notes PDF B. Tech.
8086 Micro Processor
Basic Integration Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Calculus Derivative Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pd
Complex Analysis Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Definite Integral Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Function Analysis Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Integral Application Notes CBSE Class XII by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Limit & Continuity Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Maxima & Minima Notes CBSE Class XII Students Download pdf
Angular Motion Notes CBSE Class 12 Students by Arun Umrao Download Free pdf
Circular Motion Notes CBSE Class 12 Students Arun Umrao Download Free pdf
Electric Field Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Error Measurement Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Force Application & Principles Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao
Floating Objects
Linear Motion Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Physics Dictionary Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Work Energy Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao
Mechancial Wave Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Units Notes CBSE Class XII Students by Arun Umrao Download pdf
Numerical Programming
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GNU Octave Download Free Software Notes Book for Engineers pdf
Open Modelica Notes by Arun Umrao pdf
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Short Notes
Explain Demand Analysis.
What is Cross Elasticity of Demand & Supply in Economics?
Consumer's Surplus
Clarify the difference between Public Administration and Private Administra
Describe the functions performed by Public Service Commission.
Discuss the functions as performed by the Central Vigilance Commission.
Discuss the trend of Labour migration
Define Deadweight Loss. How it is measured?
Define Inflation. Classify it. Types of inflation.
Brief on the trade union movement in India in today's Market economy system
Discuss the marginal productivity theory of wages.
Debt management
Dictionary of Economics
Direct Credit Program
What is Double Taxation? How does it affect Economy?
Edgeworth Box
Elasticity of demand by calculus method
Economies of Scale - a short note
Externalities & Their Effects in Economy
What is Engel Curve? Define It.
Fiscal-Reform in India
Function of Central Bank
Fertility & Its Various Measurements
Foreign Exchange Reserves & Its Categories
Free Rider's Problem
Fertility Rate and Kinds of their measurements
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATT)
Hyper Depreciating Assets
Immiserzing Growth
Indirect Tax in India
Inflationary gap vs deflationary gap
Intellectual Property Rights - IPR
International Monetory Fund (IMF)
Inflationary Gap
Is public debt burden?
Law of Diminishing Demand
Limitations in measurement of National Income
List of Committees Constitute for Economics of India
M1, M2, M3 and L - Money Supply
Meaning, nature and subject matter of Public Finance
Meaning, Scope and Importance of Public Administration.
Nominal Price vs Real Price
Obstacle in Administrative Reform in India
Opportunity cost of a Building Owner
Ordinal Theory
Perfect & Imperfect Competitions & Condition for Equilibrium
Public Expenditure in Welfare State
Policies of budgetary deficits in India
Ricoridian Theory of Rent?
Subsidy & Domestic LPG
Sources of Public Finance
Three Types of Unemployment
Taxable Capacity.
What are the benefits of Public Corporations?
Why the supply curve of Labour in backword sloping? Explain
What is Max Weber’s theory of Bureaucracy?
What is indifference curve?
What are functions of Financial Regulators? Explain Briefly.
What is 'Price Discrimination'?
What is Demand Curve? Explain graphically.
What is a 'Duopoly'?
World Bank - Banker of Governments
Wage-Goods-Model by Brahmanand
Categories of Wages
What is 'Cross Elasticity of Demand'
What are minimum wage fair wage and living wage? Explain
What is Law of Demand? What are the factors that influence Demand.
Higher Education
Structure of higher education
Autonomy and Accountability
Development in Instruction Levels in Higher Education
Classroom Climate
Effective Management of HR in Higher Education
Concerns of Youth
Professional Relationship B/w Teacher & Students
Constituents of Personality
How Prepare Question Paper
Unit Plan of Subject
Concept of Teacher Competence
Globalization & Its impact on Higher Education
Teachers' Organisations
Components of Teaching Profession & Code of Ethics
IGNOU Extended Contact Program (ECP) PGDHE 28 May - 06 Jun 19, Dehradun RC
Derivative for Increasing & Decreasing Functions
Arc Length vs Horizontal Width
Volume by Function Revolution
Axis of Rotation
Center of Mass - by different methods
Dipole Moment
Electromotive Force Graph & Numerical Explanation
Energy of Rotating Objects - Angular Motion
Error by Calculus
Error by Calculus
Force & Their Directions
Linear Motion - Principle & Its Applications
Newton's Law of Motion
Principle of Force and Its Applications
Rolling Objects - Angular Motion
Sum of Vectors
Stability in Inclined Plane
Political Science
Bring out the distinct features of state as it evolved in Africa.
Critically analyze the determinants of electoral behaviour.
Discuss the principal features of state politics in India since the 1980s.
Economic liberalization
Green Revolution
Social movements
Sustainable developments
Write an essay on fragmentation of party system in India.
Explain Jyotiba Phule as a social revolutionary.
Economic impact of European colonialism on Africa.
Examine the factors contributing to the rise of military and authoritarian
Examine the challenge posed by ethnic politics to nation building efforts i
Patterns of Colonialism in Africa.
Political Impact of colonialism on Africa
Factors contributing to pluralist regimes in Africa.
Write a note on social reform in 19th century India.
What were Swami Vivekananda's views on social change? Elaborate.
Jawaharlal Nehru's views on culture
Nehru on parliamentary democracy
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's ideological orientation
Evolution of communist movement in India
India's relations with SAARC countries
India's Relation With East Asian Nations (ASEAN and Pacific Region)
Discuss the significance of Western Political Thought.
Discuss the philosophical foundations Plato's political theory.
Write a note on Aristotle's works.
Rousseau's critique of civil society
Edmund Burke's critique of the French revolution
Immanuel Kant on transcendent idealist view of human reason
Jeremy Bentham's political philosophy
Plantation economies of Guyana and Trinidad evolved as segmented societies
Duties and Rights
Rise of liberalism
Briefly explain how religion interacts with politics at the national and lo
Plantation economy in Cuba
Features of the Cuban revolution.
Peasant and the land rights movements in Latin America.
Military regime in Brazil
Latin America and India relations.
India's Relation with Latin America Countries
New regionalism in Latin America.
Examine the major trends in India-Africa relations since the 1960s.
Comment on India's approach to multilateral disarmament
Characteristics of South Asian regional state system.
India's Look East policy.
Indo-US relations in the new millennium.
Economic and security factors in India-West Asia relations.
India's approach towards disarmament.
Nehru's Non-alignment policy.
Examine the major trends in India-Africa relations since the 1960s.
Comment on India's approach to multilateral disarmament
Characteristics of South Asian regional state system.
India's Look East policy.
Indo-US relations in the new millennium.
Economic and security factors in India-West Asia relations.
India's approach towards disarmament.
Nehru's Non-alignment policy.
Discuss Hegel's notion of civil society.
Examine the role and relevance of civil society in South Asia.
Explain the evolution and types of peace movements in India.
Empowerment of women and capacity building
Relationship between state and civil society
Anti-Nuclear protest movements
Organisations working for global peace
Examine Gandhi's critique of industrialisation.
Explain Gandhi's views on the State and Swaraj.
Gandhi's concept of economic, racial and caste equality
Role of authority in anarchist society
Gandhi's non-violent struggle against colonialism
Gandhi's views on Liberalism and Constitutionalism
Gandhi's views on structural violence
Satyagraha as a tool of conflict resolution
What is civil society? Analyse the main trends in the relationship between
Briefly describe the liberal humanitarian approach to nationalism.
Milestones in the evolution of Human rights
Socialist perspectives on human rights
Nature of anti-colonial struggles in South–East Asia
Characteristics of military regimes
State building and nation building
The US model of Constitutionalism
The idea of planning
The Rajya Sabha
Discuss the significance of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment in Indian dem
Write an essay on the Tebhaga Movement.
Working of the federal system in India
Caste in Indian democracy
Sustainable Development
Panchayati Raj System in India
Examine the changing dimensions of security and highlight the international
Critically examine the features and importance of the neo-liberal approach
Core assumptions of the Center-Periphery model of underdevelopment
NGOs and social movements
The problem of intra-state displacement
State response to indigenous movements
Role of middle powers in the post–Cold War period
Human security agenda
Examine the nature of political theory.
Discuss the challenges to sovereignty in the age of globalisation.
Critical evaluation of liberalism
Karl Marx on surplus value
Core characteristics of Conservatism
Fundamentalist Mindset
Radical Feminists
Nature and Extent of Unemployment in India
Pay, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament
Caste in Indian Democracy
Definition of Family Dependent
8051 Programming
C Programming
C Problem for Vowel
Address as Function Argument/Parameter
Pointer as Function Argument/Parameter
C Problem for Array of Multiple Data Type
C Extract Whole Part from Fractions
C Problem for Triangle
C Overspeed Problem
C Problem for Time Difference
Union as status parameter in C
Variable Update from Config File in C
Literal Programming
Numerical Programming
Cauchy's Integral over Curve & Line-Mathematically Explained by Arun Umrao
DASSL-Differential Algebraic System Solver - Maths behind dassl function
GNU-Octave GUI Controls Linking & Communication
How read a formated numerical data from a file in Scila Xcos FREAD_f block?
Scilab_GetVar() Function of Scilab API with Example
Singular Value Decomposition (svd) - Scilab - Mathematically Explained
What is Scilab Xcos CMAT3D viewer block. How is it work? Explain.
What is Scilab Xcos CMATVIEW viewer block. How is it work? Explain.
What is WRITEC_f Block in Scilab Scicos Xcos? How it works?
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Pact with Sun
Honey Suckle
Dog's Family Tree Class 6 NCERT
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Application of Derivative In Area
Who is successful?
Numerical Programming
Definitions Related to Error & Measurements
Why error in science are always positive not negative
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Online Quiz
Quad Eqn 01
Quad Eqn 02
Inequality 01
Calculus Derivative
Calculus Integral
Complex Numbers
z 01
z 02
Function, Limit & Continuity
Limit 1
Limit 2
Limit 3
Function 1
Function 2
Function 3
Circle 01
Maxima Minima
Max Min 01
Trigonometry 01
Trigonometry 02
Trigonometry 03
Trigonometry 04
Units & Errors
Errors 01
Errors 02
Measurement 01
Units 01
Work & Energy
Heating 01
Units of Energy 01
Type of Energies 01
Type of Energies 02
C Programming
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