Who is successful?

Who is successful

2. What is Success? It’s definition varies from person to person. Success is achievement against set targets. So, definition of success is different for different persons as their targets are different. Some persons think being a teacher is success of their life. Some choose to be a doctors. And some choose to be professionals.

3. Success Parameters? Success is not absolute. It is relative. Success never be absolute. There is no upper limit of it. Success is measured from previous level. For success, targets are set, activities performed and at the completion of job, we say that we have attained the success. After That? We set new targets.

4. Principle of Success. It depends on “Necessity & Deficiency”. Principle of success is purely based on Necessity & Deficiency of the target. For few childless billionaire, desire of baby, is in their high priority than earning money. So being a rich, they believe that they are not success in their life. Think about a rich woman who can not give baby birth. For few civil servants, even part of government, feel that their salaries are meagre to survive. They need higher salary but government denied. Are they feel successful. Few seek success of life in spirituality.

5. Failure?? Failure is NOT failure. Few people set their targets too high to achieve. It does not mean they will fail. During their adventure, they find partials of their targets but not targets itself. So, are they failed? No, they find partial success. It will incite others to set these targets and achieve them. So, failure is not failure. It is beginning of next milestone of success.

6. Success?? Success is also Failure. In field of health and medicine, there is no place for partial success. Partial success in operation is not a successful operation. So, What?? Partial success is total failure.

7. When we are successful? Success is Feeling & It is earned. Success is felt. If you think that your choice of targets/success is supreme then you feel yourself as successful. Achieving your own goals make you successful. A newly born baby with silver spoon can not say that he is successful as it is rich now. A successful person always earns one's success and feels it proudly.

8. Who is successful? Everyone is successful in one’s perception. Everyone encircles a sphere of success. One's perception about success is represented by one's sphere of success. In my point of view, I am successful but in your's point of view it is nothing. So, every one is successful in one's perception.