Significance of Western Political Thought.

  Western political thought, since its beginning from ancient Greece has dealt with diverse varieties of issues, and each philosopher has handled them from his own angle. The major issues relating to politics have been the concerns of political philosophers. These issues are the power relations between government and subject, the nature of political authority, the problems created by social conflicts, purposes and objectives of political activity, and the character and utility of political knowledge. By attempting to find solutions to these political issues, the political theorists have given the western political thought not only a direction, but also a unity of thought processes. The significance of western political thought lies in the attempt of the political philosophers to identify political issues, and provide solutions, thus giving political thought a meaning and a vision. 

 The classics in political thought include the works of Plato to that of Marx. These philosophers have opened a dialogue between different perspectives and interpretations of reality as a work. Their political theories on corruption in government are relevant even today and philosopies are written by many modern political philosophers. Western political thoughts are are timeless and region-less because they deal with issues confronting every age and region. For example, theories of Marx on 'class', 'class struggle', 'proletariat', 'bourgeois', 'revolution', 'surplus value' are used in all times in all societies of the world. 

 The political texts have contributed a great deal to the evolution of the specialized language, expressed through words, symbols, concepts and has become the vocabulary of political, philosophy. 

 Western political thought is political theory spread over history. It is the eminent of the writings of numerous political philosophers. These writings are works in the field of Political Science which have stood the test of time. They have, survived through ages because of their intrinsic worth. They remain interesting and instructive because of their perennial themes, sound comprehension, subtle style and profound analysis. The works of political thought are outstanding not because they are universally praised, but they are universally accepted. Works on political thought flourish because they are continuously studied, interpreted, and discussed, each subsequent reading gives a new and fresh orientation. 

 The great tradition of Western political theory from Plato to Hegel deals exhaustively with the major contradictions and dimensions of the political process. Their importance is exhibited by the fact that though they were primarily concerned with the immediate problems besetting their contemporary situation, yet they were able to transcend their localism. In the process they were able to provide a framework of analysis that would enrich other periods as well by their penetrating insights and thoughtful reflections on perennial problems of politics, power, authority, legitimacy, equity and order. They are masterpieces as they do not belong to any one culture, civilisation or time but cherished by the entire humankind.