Development in Instruction Levels in Higher Education
Select a topic from the subject of your choice at college level. Discuss various inputs that you will choose for development of instructional strategy for the same topic.
Instructional strategy adopted in a classroom is highly dependent on two factors: (a) the teacher's personal style of teaching, and (b) the model of teaching the teacher adopts. For example, if a teacher follows an inductive style of teaching, he/she may not like to follow the deductive style. The Inductive teaching style uses specific observations to draw general conclusions. The Deductive style is the process of using general statements to come to conclusions about specific information or situations. Hence, a teacher should analyse the particular style of teaching and the model that he/she finds most suitable for his/her particular style. A teacher should be much more open-minded and expand his/her efficiency by developing more than a single model of teaching.
Learning strategies as follows:
1. A strategy must be right for the learners. It must meet their needs and interests.
2. A strategy must be right for the teacher and suited to his/her capacity.
3. A strategy must be right for the subject matter.
4. A strategy must be right for the time available.
Students have identified as different levels and intelligence. Some of them have strong hold on linguistic intelligence but have little logical and mathematical intelligence. There are different categories of intelligence which are reflected in students like, Linguistic Intelligence, Logical/Mathematical Intelligence, Spatial Intelligence, Kinaesthetic Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Inter-Personal Intelligence and Naturalistic Intelligence. Knowing the students intelligence, it helps the teacher to determine various ways of presenting the content and corresponding activities to teach and test understanding, which are differentiated to meet different needs.
As a teacher of physics with specialization in thermodynamic, various inputs that I have chosen to improve the development of instructional strategy are:
1. Collect the basic principles, relations and formulae which are being used in thermodynamics.
2. Use simple and short language while instructing to the students.
3. Prepare concept of learning of each principle, relation and formula including at least one practical example.
4. Introduce work related activities regarding the thermodynamic principles. It is better to use the activities which are most common to the background of the student.
5. It should have logical and mathematical intelligence as well as assumptions.
6. Include laboratory experiments alongwith theoretical instructions for better explanation of the subject.
7. Use of audio visual contents for deep learning of the students.