Economic impact of European colonialism on Africa.

The European colonial powers invaded Africa and created artificial states in resource rich regions.  The primary objectives of development in Africa by the colonial powers were to maintain interests of their home country. The direct colonial rule, closed and export oriented economic system permanently altered the domestic and international economic relations of the Africa. Colonial powers created artificial states for own profit.  It destroyed the interstate trade and commerce among traditional states of Africa.  European colonial powers used African colonies as cheap source of raw materials for industries at their parent country. Colonies also served as market for finished products. Mono-crop and mono-mineral system was implemented. It destroyed the traditional food production in Africa. It leads mal-nourishment and chronic famine in several region of the Africa. Selective infrastructures, like rail, tele-communication, defence installations, those were beneficial for the European trade were established. Primary infrastructure, like health, education, farming and irrigation were ignored. The colonial powers maintained monopolistic control over the buying and selling of primary products in each colony.  Each year the board would determine a set price to be paid to fastness for a specific amount of a product. Lacking alternatives, the farmers had to sell their goods through the colonial marketing boards at price lower than international market.  The colonial power sells the manufactured goods at higher prices and maximizes their gains.  It leads exploitation of African peoples and trade deficit. The most adverse effect of colonialism was destruction of traditional socio-economic structure of Africa.