Anti-Nuclear protest movements

  After the discovery of huge source of energy by atomic disintegration, its first use was creation of atomic bomb. And it was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during Second World War.  The devastating and strategic effects of Atomic bomb created a race among the developed as well as developing countries for stockpiling of atomic bombs. Hundreds of research laboratories, factories and installations are erected in these countries.

 Later, development in technologies, nuclear energy is used to harness its energy for civil use, like generation of electricity and research in new dimension of atomic physics.  Though the peaceful applications of nuclear energy has no problems to civil society but it is seen that the initial research on atomic power for civil use, further ran to stockpiling of atomic arsenals as shown in North Korea.

 Anti-nuclear movements were started just after the Second World War, when victorious countries started stockpiling of atomic arsenal for strategic advances.  Later the Chernobyl incident intensified the anti-nuclear protests world wide as not only atomic bombs but also the civil atomic installations can harm humanity with equal level as atomic bomb can.  Residue and by product of nuclear sources are harmful not only to environment but it also mutated to the genes of living being.  The cost of development, maintenance, operation and decommission of atomic installation is huge, and anti-nuclear protesters argued that huge development work can be carried out by saving this fund. Few countries have started working in this way. France has planned for decommissioning of nuclear power plants in phase-out manner by 2050.